Review of Gerber Gator Machete Jr

I figured this review would be a nice way to bring in the new year… with something big and sharp! 😉 Although, I do not own this particular machete, I did enjoy this review from StealthSurvival. And considering the price is under $20 all day long, you can’t go wrong.

You might also enjoy this video review (by a different person) as well:

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4 responses to “Review of Gerber Gator Machete Jr”

  1. Good news about those recalls though, it was YEARS ago now that they happened, and it was partially based off of user error.

    The potential issue (a slippy grip) was fixed a while back and have had any serious issues since.

  2. I think recalls have been made on the Gerber Gator Machete Jr. Best to look for other brands.

  3. We grabbed a Gerber Gator Machete Jr. a while back for our BOB… but we’ve actually been really disappointed in it for a few different reasons.

    The lack of a full-tang can be felt with each swing, meaning the handle reverberates and doesn’t feel particularly solid on the strike.

    The full length toothed edge of the sax side makes batoning difficult and somewhat dangerous.

    And most importantly, the steel seems to be rather weak. Right out of the box, we took ours to a sapling and actually saw damage to the blade. There were three or four indentations into the length of the metal, and it took a lot more than just a couple swings. The branches actualled “peeled” off the tree rather than got cut.

    Anyhow, even at about $20, it wasn’t worth it for us. Hope this info helps!

    1. That’s a shame… looked pretty good to me.

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