Share Your 401K Savings With Me Or My Family and I Will Die (The Analogy That Says It ALL)

Here are two scenarios for you to consider…

Scenario 1

Imagine this scenario: you and a very good friend (or brother/sister if you like) are very near retirement age. You’ve both had good careers, worked hard, taken care of your respective families, maybe even bar-b-qued every Sunday for that last twenty years together. Then one day it hits you and you immediately realize that you didn’t save nearly enough for your retirement whatsoever. In fact, not only can you NOT live the lifestyle you live now but you have to cut back so much so that you’re lucky if you’re eating Ramen noodles for dinner and don’t freeze each night. Yup, you’re in serious trouble!

But, wait… you think, this is stupid. Why am I living like this? My good friend is quite well off. He has an awesome retirement saved up and I know it. I should just ask him for some help. And so you do. You go ask and, yet, strangely enough he tells you…

“It’s my 401K savings. Not yours. I spent my whole life working for this and you expect me to share what I’ve rightfully earned? Even worse you expect me to share because you failed to do so yourself. You’ve got to be kidding me! Look, I care for you dearly and will try to help you get back on your feet but you simply cannot share my 401K savings. Sorry.”

Scenario 2

Now, imagine this scenario: you and a very good friend (or brother/sister if you like) have just survived SHTF. You’ve both had good careers, worked hard, taken care of your families, etc, etc. Obviously, the stark reality quickly hits your buddy right in the face and he immediately realizes that he didn’t have nearly enough supplies for SHTF whatsoever. In fact, not only can he NOT live the lifestyle he lives now but he’s lucky to be eating Ramen noodles for dinner and not freeze each night. Yup, he’s in serious trouble!

But, wait… he thinks, this is stupid. Why am I living like this? My good friend (you) is quite well prepared. You have an awesome stockpile of supplies and gear and he knows it. He should just ask you for some help. And so he does. He asks and, yet, strangely enough you say…

“It’s my supplies and gear. Not yours. I spent my whole life working for this and you expect me to share what I’ve rightfully gathered? Even worse you expect me to share because you failed to do so yourself. You’ve got to be kidding me! Look, I care for you dearly and will try to help you get back on your feet but you simply cannot share my preps. Sorry.”

Now I Ask You…

I’m sure you understood where this was going very early on but I must ask, why in the world do people–usually close friends and family–expect that YOU should fully share your supplies and gear in the event of an emergency, disaster, or even SHTF when you and I know darn good and well that they most likely wouldn’t even consider reciprocating if the situation were a bit different, in this example, to share their savings during retirement?

They might say, we’ll it’s different or maybe even a finite event. Ok, sometimes that might be true. Regardless, the examples both involve the sharing of money in a way, don’t they? Instead of stockpiling a nice retirement account you’ve stockpiled your “retirement” into things like food and gear… you both just “spent” your money differently.

If I must say so myself, I like this analogy. I think I’ll start using it from now on in the future whenever anyone mentions that they’ll just be “heading to my house” if/when SHTF. I’ll say “Sure, c’mon over. And if nothing ever happens I’ll be at your house when I’m 65.” 😉


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