It’s so cold outside that I can’t think about anything besides staying inside where it’s warm, lol. But even the indoors can become frigid and dangerous given a long enough outage. Consider a copper “forever” candle heater build as shown in the video below. All you need is a used mason jar with a lid, two sizes of copper pipe, some special felt to act as the wick, denatured alcohol, and few drill bits. If you stick around to the end, he will also show how to turn this into a radiant heater.
WARNINGS: As he points out, the flame can be nearly invisible depending on the fuel used, and the copper pipe will get really hot, both of which will burn you severely. Thus, this candle heater cannot be left unattended. I would absolutely further contain this (and any DIY heater) in something metal, even if only a baking sheet in case it spills. Unfortunately, he doesn’t discuss how to extinguish the flame. My guess is that an inverted mason jar would do the trick, but these types of builds can sometimes be difficult to put out, so you’ll want to experiment with a small bit of fuel and your plan to extinguish the flame before filling the jar full. As with any heater, never fill the jar while it’s still burning and wait for everything to cool, too. You might also want some gloves around in case the mason jar gets hot to touch.
If you can get past all of that, then enjoy!
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