Tiniest Bug Out Cabin, And it Folds Flat!

This video caught my eye because, like many of you know, it sure would be nice to have a bug out shelter in the middle of nowhere. One of the problems, however, is getting all of the building supplies to where you need them without breaking your back or the bank. Oh, and without being seen.

This idea, of making a structure that’s small enough to be transported by wheelbarrow is an interesting one. Aside from that, the builder wanted the shelter to be foldable and to be assembled without use of power tools. I’d say that last stipulation is pretty important and useful should you need to construct and shelter stealthily or find need to relocate quickly.

That said, I can see how it might be useful to do some things differently. For one, like he says near the end, the acrylic skylight could be done differently. Personally, I wouldn’t have added a skylight. And, of course, the OSB sheets need treated without some wood preserver. He mentions a few times that he couldn’t figure out the hinges, but I’d bet if he treated the build more like a folding dog cage that he could’ve figured it out.

But now I have to ask a few more questions, such as:

  • Wouldn’t it have just been easier to take a quality tent? Or, maybe build something from natural materials? Because I can’t imagine you would want to stay out here for months on end.
  • What about a shelter large enough for other people, like a spouse or children? I’m all for making do when times are tough, but a couple would literally be on top of one another in that thing!
  • Last, is it wise to set up shop so-to-speak, even if it is out in the middle of nowhere? Because human nature would suggest that you might be compelled to stay put when it might be better to keep moving if you have a more permanent shelter such as this. Really, all you’re trying to do is to keep the wind and rain off your head, which can be done in other ways.

In any case, I like the ingenuity and outside the box thinking. What might you have done differently?


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ49Y5X4


4 responses to “Tiniest Bug Out Cabin, And it Folds Flat!”

  1. Frank

    My thinking is that if you desire a small wood structure then you should be looking at pulling it on a trailer or just build a small shed/cabin on a trailer and then you have a portable shelter which can be made larger or a collapsible cabin that you build onto the trailer which serves as a platform to keep you off the ground.

    One could even build a frame from PVC pipe with some parts glued and other parts not. The thing can be “slid” together and secured with “pins” or nuts and bolts. And then you can carry a tent or tarps that fit over it.

  2. Dennis Pugsley

    I’d use a quality tent. That cabin is too heavy to move. You would never see or hear anyone in the area and you certainly couldn’t fight from that thing. A person would get all stove up not being able to move in that cabin. I would never use something like that. You could just collapse the tent if you were leaving for a few hours so it couldn’t be seen by someone passing by. And of course you can take it with you. Yep, I’d use a tent.

    1. Tents. Who would’ve guessed!?

  3. Javel

    Portable oversize dog house.

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