12 Ways to Save Your Life With A Beer Can (Guest Post)

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Stephen King, a famous American author once said, “A man who lies about beer makes enemies”. Indeed, beer is one of man’s closest friends as it is always present in times of triumph, celebration, and even in grief.

There is something wonderful about this drink that some of us simply can’t just live without it. And while drinking too much is not something we can advise, a can of beer can still bring good to us as it can also be used to save our life!

In this guide, we are going to learn how a can of beer could be utilized in emergency situations to save one’s life. Stick around as we are going to discuss saving your life with a beer can in 12 ways.

Let’s Drink To Our Survival And Keep These Cans To Help Us Live On:

Thinking of packing a six pack in your bug-out bag? Beer is actually a good choice of beverage to bring especially if you are preparing for bug-out situations.

Each can of beer is packed with lots of calories and is enough to keep us hydrated over a long period of journey. In fact, Clifton Vial was able to survive for 60 days while being stranded in the Alaskan wild because of this. And after enjoying a drink, be sure to keep the beer can as there are 12 ways you can make use of this item for survival:

  1. For boiling water – Pour water into the can after consuming all the contents, then place it near the bonfire and leave it there until the water will start to boil. Let it cool and now you have potable water to use for hydration and cleaning.
  2. Fishing reel – Fishing lines are needed to be kept after using. So whenever you’re done catching your meal for the day, grab an empty can of beer and roll the line so you can use it again the next day.
  3. Fire starter – Polish the bottom part of the beer can with a small bar of chocolate. This method will enable to this part of the can to have that mirror-like effect which you can use to redirect the sun’s rays and start fire.
  4. For using tabs as fish hooks – You have the cylindrical can for storing monofilaments, now you can also make use of the tab for hooking fish. Simply pull the tab and shape it like a hook with the use of your survival knife for catching fish.
  5. For lighting purposes – Drink the beer contents and open the side of the can using your knife. Make 2 parallel cut (horizontal) then do a vertical cut along the middle to create an opening. Insert a candle inside and attach the can to a stick and now you have a lantern to use to light up your evenings.
  6. For starting fire using the bow drill method – The ‘drill’ should be able to move freely to create fire. Crush the beer can and attach the folded portion to the top of the drill and use it as support. This is to ensure that the drill will be able to turn quickly with less friction on top and start fire. Just make sure to use a piece of cloth in holding the can as it also gets hot as the drill turns.
  7. For signaling – Cut a side of the beer can and use the curved strip of metal as a signaling device to call the attention of the other group. Simply raise the metal strip where the rays of the sun are located and use it to direct signal from an incoming friendly party to guide them into your location. This device can also be used during rescue situations. [Editor’s note: this might work best if polished first.]
  8. For cooking – A can of beer can also be made into a stove. Simply cut the upper portion and the lower part (about a third away from the bottom). Puncture holes around the side of the upper part and open the top portion of the can. Pour denatured alcohol and attach the two parts and use a match to start fire. This device will cook food and boil water the same way as a conventional stove do.
  9. For storing small survival equipment – Open the top part of the can and use it for storing matches, flints, bandages, and other survival you need to keep for future use. Seal the opening with a duct tape to ensure all things will be secured.
  10. For building perimeter alarm – An empty can of beer can also be utilized as a perimeter alarm. If you don’t have a horn or bells to use to warn you from the incoming danger, simply place small rocks inside the can and use it as a bell/horn replacement for your perimeter alarm. Just make sure to hide it carefully to prevent the intruders from noticing it.
  11. For getting water – If you happen to camp at the mountains and there’s a stream below, all you need is a string and a can of beer to get water. Simply punch a hole beside the top opening of the can and use a rock of smoothen the sharp edges. Insert the rope and use it like a pail as if you’re getting water from a well. Make sure to purify the water first before drinking.
  12. For nourishment – Well, this is easy. All you need to do is to drink the beer to keep yourself hydrated and energized. Enjoy your drink, but make sure to drink responsibly to avoid getting intoxicated. And don’t forget to keep the empty cans as you can always find practical uses for these items later. [Editor’s note: most people would say beer doesn’t do anything for keeping hydrated so I wouldn’t recommend this for that purpose!]


Did you enjoy our topic for today? Do you think this is really helpful for your survival? Please don’t hesitate to share your comments below.

About The Author:

Michael Martin is a former Navy Pilot who believes no matter the circumstance, one should always be prepared. Upon entering the civilian world, Michael spent his time traveling the globe and observing different cultures. Growing up in as the son of a serial entrepreneur it was only a matter of time before he took his love of the outdoors and passion for helping others to new heights by founding Bug Out Bag Pro. As a survivalist & entrepreneur, his vision is to help educate and prepare families everywhere with the information, skills and tools to survive any situation they may face!

Website URL: www.bugoutbagpro.com
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My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ49Y5X4


One response to “12 Ways to Save Your Life With A Beer Can (Guest Post)”

  1. Patricia Panora

    VERY practical advice!
    MOST enlightening.

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