This is an open letter to all non-preppers (aka, “normal” people) who may have unfortunate and mis-guided beliefs about what preppers are and are not. I’ve done this in list format for easier debunking.
Preppers: Please choose to forward this to any non-preppers if you like.
Non-Preppers: Please feel free to open your mind for a few minutes and reconsider who we are…
1. All Prepper are Outdoorsmen
I can’t tell you how many people seem to equate prepping to being a wilderness survivalist, expert, or enthusiast. Heck, even my mother thought that’s what I was “into” not so long ago! Not true. In fact, I was never a Boy Scout or really had much interest in being an outdoorsman, aside from the fact that I enjoy occasional car camping and very rare hiking trips. In my opinion, there’s a reason why we invented four walls and a roof. I’m not saying wilderness survival skills are unimportant–not at all–but I’m sure there are plenty of us that prefer prepping from the comfort of our own homes, like I do.
2. All Preppers are Anti-Government
Well, more and more people may be unhappy with the government these days–and for good reason–but I doubt we’re at all interested in anarchy. Governments do serve a useful purpose and I suspect most of use realize that fact. Regardless, it’s my belief that preppers are little different than ordinary folks with regards to their feelings about governments. That said, there are occasional “hot button” topics such as gun control that many preppers vehemently disagree with. There are legitimate reasons for such a stance but this isn’t the post for that topic. Suffice it to say that preppers have, and always will have, much the same concerns about government at all levels as any ordinary people.
3. Prepping is a Hobby (or a fad, temporary, etc)
It might start out that way but I suspect that anyone who identifies with this blog post feels like prepping is more of a lifestyle than a hobby, at least, I know I do. I believe that once one truly realizes how fragile our modern society is, how much there is for you to protect (the kids, in particular), and where we may be headed as a nation, there’s only one logical conclusion: prepping MUST be a way of life. The best part is that it can be as much of a part of your life as you desire and nothing more.
4. Preppers Want Bad Things to Happen (so they can be right)
I’ll be honest, a very, very, very small part of me wants to prove that all my stuff, time, and money spent were not a waste, but wishing for bad things to happen is NOT the way to do it. I really can’t envision any good and honest person wanting disasters to happen just so they can be right, me included. Instead, there are plenty of ways you and I can already use our supplies, such as with occasional camping trips, small disruptions in life (such as a brief power outage), and even during our daily lives (such as using bulk foods in everyday cooking).
5. Prepping is Expensive
I would be lying through my teeth if I said I didn’t spend quite a bit of money on my preps and supplies. The thing is that you can truly spend as much or as little as you like. You might be amazed at how many DIY projects and money-saving ideas there are to accomplish the same tasks that any fill-in-the-blank product might fulfill. In fact, the more you get into prepping the more you’ll realize that prepping can actually save money in your everyday life. For example, choosing to use bulk foods in your everyday cooking will not only help you to be better prepared (because you’ll likely have food stockpiled) but undoubtedly save money on groceries. Of course, it doesn’t have to be as “drastic” as changing your eating habits. Even something as simple as keeping a spare car key on your person for the first time you lock your car doors and have to spend $75 or more to get someone to come out and unlock your doors is a huge plus. It’s the planning part that is every bit as important–and likely more so–than any supplies or gear you might acquire.
6. Prepping is a Waste of Time
It can definitely feel like it at times, believe me. But, I merely have to ask you to repeat that same statement to anyone who perished in any natural disaster where a few simple preps may have avoided that fate… oh wait, you can’t… they’re dead. I don’t want to make light here but the honest truth is that the vast majority of people have their heads firmly inserted in their rear-end and if they had only bothered to do even a few small things to better prepare themselves and their families then they could have drastically increased their odds of survival. Plain and simple.
7. Preppers (and Survivalists) are Crazy!
Believe it or not, most preppers are absolutely normal. They have families, kids, spouses, jobs, as well as goals, aspirations, fears, and concerns. We go out to eat, watch our kids’ ballgames, and may even put back a few cold ones on the weekend while grilling a steak or two. Strangely, we’re an awful lot like most people with the obvious exception that we try to situate ourselves and our families to be ready in the event something bad does happen. It’s not rocket science. Usually it’s just plain common sense that we seem to have lost in only a generation or two.
8. Prepping Make YOU Look Crazy!
The simple answer is this: I can guarantee that the first time when anything ever befalls your area, you can rest assured in knowing that your house will be the first and only stop when the S**t Hits the Fan and that everyone–including your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and probably people you don’t even know–will be ever grateful you were ready and prepared. The trick, however, is to never to let them know you’re prepared.
In conclusion…
Ultimately, we’re normal people. You’ve probably interacted with a prepper or several and never even realized it. We do life much like you do but with the simple realization that bad things do happen to good people. Our only interest is to minimize the odds of those bad things happening to those we care for by taking a slightly different stance on life. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, free, or always fun. But you would be surprised at what can be done with a determined attitude and focus towards a new goal: the survival of those you care most about in life.
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