9 Crucial Items Preppers Recommend In Case of Another Lockdown

Covid-19 has taught the world that we aren’t typically prepared as individuals or as a society to cope with sudden, massive upheavals. In order to avoid widespread shortages of food in the future, one would do well to seek the advice of those who have planned for events of this magnitude for years, if not decades.

Survivalists and Doomsday preppers have long been the subject of scepticism, but their measures – some reasonable, some extreme – have certainly proven beneficial in periods of reduced access to necessities, and we could all learn from their vision.

Jim Cobb is the author of Backwoods Survival Guide: Practical Advice for the Simple Life, a 192-page, comprehensive guidebook on living off the land, as well as numerous other books available on his website. He approaches tough times with a level-headed mindset that relies on common sense, and his style of management follows suit. He wrote in a comprehensive list of advice, “My approach to preparedness has never been disaster-specific.” According to him, “This is why I don’t recommend that people look at one threat and prepare just for it. The simple fact is that preparing for, say, unexpected and lengthy unemployment isn’t much different than preparing for a pandemic, not when you get down to details. Our fundamental needs such as food, shelter, and water do not change.”

Also learn tips from the highly resourceful business owners and mothers to large families, Michelle Walrath and Fran Paniccia, of Long Island-based Organic Krush. Michelle Walrath compiled an extensive shopping list of weekly and long-term items to stockpile. We selected a few items to include here with their benefits. We prioritise organic, fresh, seasonal, and colourful produce when we go shopping. Many common staples like apples, bananas, olive oil, and nuts made the cut, but a few unexpected items emerged along with an outline of their properties.

Also, we can learn a lot from Douglas Katz (a true man of survival), who prefers to create a self-made version of a Go Bag rather than use the premade options on the market and recommends reasonable investments rather than splurges.

Though the nature of a “lockdown” will vary across the globe, and some of us will need to self-isolate if presenting symptoms, the general message from around the world is consistent. Practice social distancing and maintain high standards of personal hygiene is the best way to protect yourself against COVID-19. Staying at home, whether we like it or not, may be coming again in our future.

However, being stuck at home and not being able to do the things we all take for granted presents a big challenge for many of us. By being prepared, including having essential supplies in stock, you can cope in a more convenient and stress-free manner while in lockdown.

Here are the items preppers recommend in case of total lockdown.

1. Food To Buy

We all need to eat, so unless we can have our shopping delivered to our door (which is more possible these days) we’ll likely need to leave the house and go to the store. Better yet, stock up on food now while you can still procure what you need, particularly since some stores may restrict your purchases in order to avoid panic buying or, worse, it’s already gone by the time you get there.

Regardless of your circumstances, the best thing to do is to create a meal plan before you go shopping. What foods can you buy that will make meals you can eat over several days, or leftovers that can be frozen for a later date? If you can keep the power on, consider preparing meals in advance and then freezing them; there are a ton of recipes online.

A good balance between purchasing fresh and nutritious foods, as well as convenient, non-perishable foods, will help you to reduce the number of times you have to go grocery shopping. Thus, by buying extra canned or frozen food now, you can reduce shopping trips in the coming weeks as COVID-19 cases are expected to increase.

Here is the list of fruits and vegetables that you might consider buying.

  • Avocados offer healthy fats and brain-nourishing properties
  • Blueberries are high in polyphenols and antioxidants
  • Carrots are rich in vitamin A (a strong eye opener) and immunity-boosting nutrients.
  • Garlic protects against fungi and bacteria
  • Lemons for vitamin C and kick-starting digestive juice production
  • Sweet potatoes for similar reasons to carrots but also protection of respiratory health, and
  • Mushrooms for the one-two punch of vitamins C and D (hard to find in one food).
  • Cardamom for increasing the oxygen capacity in your bloodstream
  • Grass-fed butter for the obvious and diverse reasons one procures butter
  • Cacao powder for the important but sometimes hard-to-get magnesium,
  • Hemp seeds for omega 3 fatty acids and their complete protein,
  • Dried dates for anti-inflammatory properties and ability to help those suffering from high blood pressure,
  • Canned beans for their easy-to-use and versatile capabilities in recipes, and
  • Oats which are naturally high in fiber and easy to make for adults and kids alike.

Rotating the above mentioned fruits and vegetables every other week can give you a much better balance of the antioxidants and immune-boosting properties each fruit and vegetable has to offer.

[Editor’s note: If you’d like my take on which foods are best to stockpile, I wrote an entire book on the subject which most people thoroughly enjoy.]

2. Medicines to Stockpile

The New York Times quoted Marguerite Neill, an infectious-disease expert at Brown University as saying that people should have at least a 30-day supply of their prescription medications on hand.

The US Department of Homeland Security recommends checking your regular prescription drugs periodically to make sure you don’t run out.

Even though many prescription drugs have quantity limits, you can ask your doctor for help in submitting an exception form.

To be ready for any emergency, the American Red Cross advises keeping an at-home first aid kit to treat common injuries, including cuts, scrapes, swelling, sprains, and more.

They say this kit should include things like:

  • Antibiotic ointment packs
  • Gauze
  • Bandages
  • Thermometers
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers, and
  • Emergency blanket

But if you really want to get into the weeds of what you can (and maybe should) purchase for a well-rounded first aid kit, consider the ultimate first aid supply list here.

3. Buy a Water Filter

Survivalists consider water filters to be a top priority item in their survival kits, and with good reason too because without clean drinking water your survival expectancy is limited to about three days. Of course, water is necessary for pets, for personal hygiene, cooking, and more. Add this simple, essential, cheap addition to your kit you can stay healthy when needed the most.

4. Power Generator

Any disaster or even a stormy night sometimes means the power goes out. Every family has go-to flashlights to see them through, as blackouts are an occurrence in every corner of the planet (some more than others, of course). And for preppers, the solution to that problem is a generator. The only question is, will it be electrical or fuel-powered?

Here are some options. First, I will go with what I use. I recently moved from using a 100w Paxcess battery to using a much bigger Goal Zero Yeti 1200w system which is more capable of powering most household appliances. Although I found the Paxcess to be a really good backup power source for camping or for working outdoors, I found that it was limited. The Goal Zero system is much more efficient in powering most our home needs than fuel systems, and is much more efficient due to its ability to be quickly recharged from solar panels, and generates next to no noise, unlike fuel-fueled generators.

The solar panels I use are a 100W Renogy solar panel, which connects to the generator and charges it fairly quickly if I have enough sunlight. So far I have used them in conjunction with each other a few times in different scenarios and think together, they are a worthwhile asset. In fact, the two of them are still cheaper than most quality generators and should be more sustainable.

And if you want to keep your entire home running without any interruption during a power outage, Kohler has a huge 20,000w home standby generator that runs on natural gas or propane and is a fantastic investment for any property if you can afford the price tag. There are cheaper options that use fuel such as a Champion 3800w generator, though much cheaper, make a lot of noise, so I wasn’t into it when shopping for a generator to add to my collection.

5. More Efficient Work From Home Set Up

If you’re able to work from home, this will play a significant part in reducing the likelihood you’ll contract COVID-19 and spread it onto others.

It may feel like all you need for working from home is your laptop or computer, but you need to consider what other equipment you will need to make it easier to work from home. An investment in the following equipment will further enhance your work from home set up.

A. Laptop Stand

Here’s a pro tip for all seasons: don’t slouch! We know the constant need to stay upright can feel tiresome, but sitting up straight will give you more energy to work and brighten up your mood. On a long-term basis, it will also help prevent the chronic, dreaded, millennial epidemic known as back pain. Provide yourself with a laptop stand to keep your computer situated high and draw your body upwards while you work. Other options include using books, unused paper rims, and other items to keep your laptop at eye level.

B. Noise-Canceling Headphones

Turn off the world with some noise-canceling headphones, or if you don’t have any, blast your regular headphones to medium loudness and tune into your favorite chill music or even podcasts.

C. Back Support

Maintaining an upright posture will not only make you more comfortable, but it will help you concentrate more effectively and will not affect your body’s circulation. Keep your spine straight with a handy back support. Get up every few minutes and stretch your muscles. Pace around a bit, too, to make sure your blood is flowing and your mind is active.

D. Extension Cord

You might only have one or two electrical sockets near your desk, so an extension cord will save you time and keep your gadgets charged, within reach, and ready for anything.

E. Tumbler

Drinking water is a no-brainer, but a handy tumbler makes life even easier. Choose a bottle that’s vacuum-insulated to prevent moisture from forming out of the bottle (no coaster necessary!) and to keep it cold all day so you stay hydrated. Any bottle you have will do, but the point is: stay hydrated! Plus, drinking enough water will prevent you from over-eating—we know you’ve been guilty of this at least once or twice.

F. Desk Light

While you’re dealing with a lot of paperwork or taking notes frequently, keep your eyes from getting strained with a desk light—which especially helps if you work at night. You can also try working near a window—the exposure to sunlight can lighten up your mood and space.

6. Ways to Keep Yourself Fit & Healthy

Among the most significant differences in lockdowns across different locations is how far people are permitted to go outside to walk, jog or exercise.

If you can’t leave your house to exercise, that should not be an excuse to skip your daily routine. If you usually stay active you’ll find that you need to be doing something.

You can do many exercises without equipment at home including bodyweight exercises.

Many gyms and sports brands offer free online workouts via social media and apps, which include both live stream classes (if you need other people to motivate you) and on demand classes you can take whenever you like.

Considering getting a few home fitness items like a mat, weight, or skipping rope may be worth your consideration if you are able to. If your yard is of a reasonable size, you can also do many activities outside, such as ball games or obstacle courses for kids.

In addition to cardio activity you should also make sure to stretch and do stability work such as yoga and pilates, particularly if you are moving around less due to the lockdown.

7. Entertainment for the Whole Family

For the sake of your children, make sure you have plans to keep them entertained when they are locked away for a few weeks. Perhaps this could be a good time to bond and spend more time with each other.

Playing board games and completing jigsaws can be a fun way to spend a few hours and you probably already have some of these handy, even a pack of cards will do the trick! If you don’t have anything on hand, most territories allow online order of these, and they can be delivered to you, so you won’t even have to leave the house.

You could also host a virtual quiz night with friends and family you’re not able to see in person. Of course there are also plenty of online and on-demand TV options out there, but you should try to limit the amount of screen time students use in school.

Here are some of the board games that your family might enjoy playing:

A. Labyrinth

The board game is a maze and you must collect a set of treasures based on the cards you’re dealt. The fun part is how you can change the maze by pushing one tile onto the board and another off every turn. Carve out a route for yourself, but also consider how to block your opponents.

B. The Isle of Cats

Designed beautifully and completely unique, this game is an instant hit with cat lovers. You must rescue cats and fit them onto your boat, Tetris style, to escape before the bad guy shows up. There are lots of fishing and strategy cards to add layers. It can seem overwhelming in the beginning, but after a few rounds it all makes sense. We prefer the full rules to the simplified, though scoring is quite complicated, so you’ll want to set aside hours to play.

C. Ticket to Ride

The purpose of this game is to seize different railroad routes across the United States and Canada using your colorful plastic passenger cars. The game lets you redeem cards to claim routes . There are bonus points for connecting certain destinations. The European version adds ferries and tunnels, and there are lots of other expansions. The only downside is my wife always wins the game.

D. Mysterium

The final recommendation is a little bit spooky and combines elements of Clue with deeper role-playing games. Played at a séance in 1920s Scotland, players take on the role of mediums, with one acting as the ghost. In order to figure out who killed whom, where, and with what weapon before the break of dawn, psychics have worked together to interpret vision cards from spirits. One kid or an adult should play the most challenging ghost role, and this takes a lot of setup, but is extremely engrossing once you get into it.

8. Educational Resources for your Children

Due to the closure of schools around the world, millions of parents are now de facto homeschoolers. In an effort to help you get through this period, many online learning companies are making their content free for the next few months. Although your children might not be learning exactly the same things they would have been at school, learning from activities online can help them to keep their brains active at home while continuing to learn.

9. Fire Stove For Cooking And Warmth

Fire stoves are an innovative way to regulate cooking temperature, boil water and cook meals indoors or out. Due to their enclosed design and external chimney, you can install one indoors with an outside chimney and have a cooking platform off-grid.

[Editor’s note: Be absolutely positive that any stove or heater you use indoors is labeled as SAFE for indoor use! Otherwise, ALWAYS use stoves that burn any fuel outdoors to avoid carbon monoxide buildup which can and will kill.]

My prepper gear is equipped with a Camp Chef Alpine, which is one of the more popular brands because of its good price, installation, and reliable platform. Hunting community uses them, too. They bring them out to fixed campsites when they go out for days or weeks, and use them for frying fish, boiling water, or cooking steaks from any game they hunted.

Preppers will definitely find these useful, and they aren’t even new. There are a lot of prepper gear for the home that you need to obtain. Try to research them, and spend your time and money on them.


A lockdown situation will definitely be a challenge for the vast majority of us. However, if you prepare well for the next few weeks, you will be able to better manage yourself and your family through lockdown while maintaining your safety and well-being.

[Note: This was a guest post.]


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ49Y5X4


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