Can Liberals Survive the Apocalypse?

I needed something funny to lighten my mood today, and this was it. Enjoy!


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3 responses to “Can Liberals Survive the Apocalypse?”

  1. Frank

    I believe they will either convert and leave their liberal democratic peers and ideas behind them or they will cling like good little servant puppets to their elitist scumbag leaders and expect to be provided for. I am sure many will be on their phones, computers or driving over to the homes of anyone they know is into preparedness or “doomsday prepping” and asking them what to do and if they can join them and essentially mooch off of them.
    So my answer has to be most would not survive or at least they’d have a hard time while Democrats and wealthy elitist will use their authority, power, influence and money to get all the supplies they need even if they have to bleed FEMA dry for their supplies.
    In a true breakdown of society, partial destruction of the grid and disruption of supply lines it will get very much like “Mad Max” or “The Walking Dead” or “Panic in the Year Zero”. And those with the least stuff and knowledge and skills will be the first to react out of desperation and then we would see displays of entitlement by those who feel what others have should be shared or given to them and after they consume everything, they’ll go on to another person or group. They’d never learn self reliance unless a group takes them in, feeds them and teaches them. In any case they’d be a burden and a threat to other people’s survival.

  2. Javel

    Progressive Liberals, Communists in thin disguise, are driving CHANGE with no End Goal. If these Losers, trying to change our Society, tank it into long term SHTF or TEOTWAWKI, are they then considered “Resources” we need to preserve, or the enemy within that ruined our Capitalist Christian Republic?

    1. sue brittain

      Capitalist Christian Republic? You must have missed your American History class and the rights listed in the Bill of Rights. Go back and read them again to refresh your memory. You did go to school, right?

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