Category: Bug Out / Wilderness

  • DIY Off-Road Mini Camper

    DIY Off-Road Mini Camper

    This DIY project is a bit more than I would be willing to tackle, but if you have a knack for such things and some time on your hands I can see how this could become a great bug out trailer idea. What I really like is all of the attention to detail, including spare…

  • First Strike Rations, Better Than MREs?

    First Strike Rations, Better Than MREs?

    Almost a year ago now, I purchased an MRE-style meal for our bug out bags called First Strike Rations. Surprisingly, I’ve never heard of such a thing before, but apparently they’re intended for military special ops-type-folks who want a full meal plan but without unnecessary extras like MRE heaters. And, even though I tend not…

  • 21 Camping and Backpacking Stoves Tested

    21 Camping and Backpacking Stoves Tested

    I’m jealous, this guy has more survival stoves than I do, lol. He starts with rocket stove designs, including ones I’ve never seen before like the Hot Ash Rocket Stove and the VIRE stove (his personal favorite of the rocket stoves), then moves on to tried and true stoves like the Kelly Kettle and JetBoil…

  • Work Evacuation Kit

    Work Evacuation Kit

    Interesting take on a city-specific evacuation kit. Although I would still be more interested in having my get home bag in most cases, I can see how something like the kit he’s put together could be significantly more useful if you live or work in a major city. Beyond that, simply using a suitcase instead…

  • 7 DIY Survival Traps to Know

    7 DIY Survival Traps to Know

    Animal trapping includes the use of devices to capture animals for various purposes like food, fur trade, hunting, pest control, and wildlife management. But, most importantly, animal trapping is an essential part of survival in the wild. In a survival situation, one burns calories very quickly, and physically chasing your food is not always the…

  • Urban Bug Out Bag for 2020

    Urban Bug Out Bag for 2020

    What’s with my (and most other preppers) seemingly endless fascination with bug out bags? I’ve got my own ideas, made plenty of variations over the years, and still I always enjoy watching or reading about what other people have done. Maybe I like to see gear that I haven’t seen before. Or, perhaps it’s because…

  • 3 Reasons I Ditched My Bug Out Bag – Wait, What?

    3 Reasons I Ditched My Bug Out Bag – Wait, What?

    Well this video caught my eye. After all, he’s chosen NOT to have a bug out bag… is he crazy!? Perhaps not. At least, not when trying to survive an apocalyptic event or societal collapse, in which case I tend to agree with him. Personally, I’d be far more likely to stay put in such…

  • The Truth About Survival Knives

    The Truth About Survival Knives

    Knives are a hotly debated and popular gear item in the survival community. Choosing the right knife is a personal choice and the purpose of this article is not to sway you to a certain brand or model. However, my goal is to possibly shift your perspective on what a “survival” knife is.  The Real…

  • Urban EDC Backpack

    Urban EDC Backpack

    I always enjoy finding out what others put together in their survival gear since it gives me the opportunity to consider items that I might not have included in my own bags. And, although he includes several items that I didn’t, such as a ResQMe Escape Tool, or the Amuvec 4-in-1 Multi Charging Cable and…