Category: Disaster Planning
I Finally Figured Out How to Truly be Prepared…
I think I’ve finally done it. No, I haven’t solved world peace or determined precisely what Dark Energy is but I do believe I figured out how to truly be prepared. Are you ready for it? It’s a shocker… And it’s not about realizing anything miraculous or even about planning for any one scenario. Instead, it’s…
Prep Like You’re 100 Miles from Civilization, Then Prep Like Everyone is Within 100 Miles of YOU!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how best to explain preparing for a SHTF situation. FYI, SHTF or WROL is basically a scenario where the “world as you know it” has gone completely to hell and there’s no expectation that it will return to normal anytime soon. Anyway, it hit me that the BEST…
7 Unexpected People to Add to Your Survival Group for the New Year
I know the topic of who to include in a survival group has been tackled elsewhere many times. Usually, the advice is to include obvious skill-sets such as doctor or nurse or EMT, somebody with law enforcement or military experience, a mechanic or handyman, an outdoorsman or hunter, and so on. These are the “easy” ones to…
Preparing a Survival Kit for Your Car Can Help You in Everyday Driving too! (Guest Post)
Cars offer the extra feeling of safety because they have a shell that can protect you. However this shell cannot help you when you are stranded in the middle of nowhere unless you packed a survival kit in it. A few small things that you keep in your vehicle can sustain you for a long…
7 Disaster Awareness Tools to Bookmark
While you’re having a good time thinking about the holidays, I figured I would compile a list of the most useful disaster awareness tools you can and should make use of, all of which are listed in my Hazard Risk Assessment Tools page. 🙂 The following can be used to track ongoing or potential upcoming disasters…
Hundreds of Free OFFLINE Maps for Your Smartphone!
I can’t remember now where I found out about but it had to be another survival blog. Anyway, I’ve since decided to fiddle with it some more and began to make good use of the app for my smartphone by adding dozens of offline maps. While I use the iPhone app there are apparently similar…
6 Ways Long Term Preps Give You Options Sheeple Never Have
When I first got “into” prepping several years ago now (if not longer) I saw it merely as a way to keep from being totally screwed in the short term until things got back to normal. You know, I’d have flashlights and lanterns if the lights go out, food in then pantry in case we couldn’t get…
Guest Post: Stay Prepped and Debt Free
Although we see things for what they are, preppers aren’t immune to many of the problems that regular Americans find themselves in. Even though we seem to be coming out of the great recession, too many of us are still suffering from large amounts of debt. And the problem keeps growing. Among these numbers are…
Camping Trip Packing List
Do you enjoy going camping but find that you don’t quite go often enough to remember everything you need and, without fail, you forget a handful of useful items? I know I have that very problem. If you can say the same then this camping trip packing list is for you! DOWNLOAD FILE: Choose to download the…