Category: Equipment / Supplies

  • Add This Wristwatch to Your EDC Preps (or something very similar)

    Add This Wristwatch to Your EDC Preps (or something very similar)

    A month or so ago I posted a video by Wranglerstar that discussed finding north using a wristwatch. For some reason I recently watched the video again and began to take note of what he said about the important characteristics that a watch should exhibit, including: Analog (not digital) – It’s impossible to use a digital…

  • The Strap Wrench – An Unexpected Tool to Include in Your Preps

    The Strap Wrench – An Unexpected Tool to Include in Your Preps

    I’ve had a pair of strap wrenches for a long time. Here’s what one looks like if you’re unaware (it’s not what I own but probably better): They are, in fact, something I believe my dad gave me as a gift years ago… and to this day I’m still thankful he gave me these wonderful…

  • When’s The Last Time You Actually Checked and Replaced Critical Batteries?

    When’s The Last Time You Actually Checked and Replaced Critical Batteries?

    Batteries are important to so many things we rely on as preppers, from flashlights to headlamps, weather radios, two-way radios, and even portable heaters, fans, and more. They’re even more critical for bug out bags and vehicle kits for the simple fact that these are the only batteries (and resources) you have to rely upon when…

  • 8 Things That Are Darn Hard to Make Post-SHTF

    8 Things That Are Darn Hard to Make Post-SHTF

    When I think about preparing for a SHTF event I think about many things, from security protocols and group dynamics to gardening and livestock (even though I don’t know a thing about animal husbandry). I also think about those many, many supplies that we’ve come to rely upon that would be darn hard for the…

  • 290+ Ways to Use Four Basic Supplies for a Healthier Life

    290+ Ways to Use Four Basic Supplies for a Healthier Life

    The more I’m exposed to prepping the more I feel like it’s about re-learning how to live a healthier lifestyle every bit as much as being prepared for emergencies. These days, we’re programmed to go to the store and purchase whatever products are prominently displayed on the store shelves without giving it a second thought.…

  • CONTEST POST: Two Camp and Pack Tools Worth Getting by T.R., EAL

    CONTEST POST: Two Camp and Pack Tools Worth Getting by T.R., EAL

    Today I would like to mention two camping and backpacking tools that are inexpensive, yet worth the purchase. Sometimes the simplest piece of gear, can give you the most use on a day to day basis if you have it on hand out in the woods. Bothe are small, relatively light weight, and are multi-purpose. I’m…

  • CONTEST POST: Prepping on an Extremely Small Budget by G.R.

    CONTEST POST: Prepping on an Extremely Small Budget by G.R.

    For the last 18 years, I have supported a family of 6 to 10 people on under $18,000 a year, an extremely small budget, but through it all I have managed to be a prepper. Until the last couple of years, I did not know I was a prepper, it has always been a way…

  • CONTEST POST: 7 Survival Tools for Camping with Kids by T.L.

    CONTEST POST: 7 Survival Tools for Camping with Kids by T.L.

    The tools I pack for a camping trip may seem unorthodox or a too extensive, but I believe you need the proper preparation to handle any drastic situation in the wilderness, especially with children. I was always the younger brother that older siblings took to baseball games, waterparks, and other events. I never got the…

  • What Did We Ever Do Without Plastic? …The Many Plastic Preps We Rely Upon

    What Did We Ever Do Without Plastic? …The Many Plastic Preps We Rely Upon

    I’m still amazed at how pervasive plastics are–in all of its forms–in our modern society. The most amazing part is that the plastics we’re accustomed to using really didn’t become mass produced until around WWII or so. In just a matter of a few generations, plastics have become so ingrained that you simply cannot get…