Category: Food / Water

  • Must-Have Survival Food and Storage Systems in the Winter

    Must-Have Survival Food and Storage Systems in the Winter

    While it may be summer in the southern hemisphere, in the northern latitudes, winter is adding a frosty filter to everything in sight. Temperatures are dropping, snow is falling and the landscape is getting icy. For homesteaders and those living off the grid, it’s also a very lean season. Fields lay fallow during the cold…

  • Tired of Leftovers Yet? Just Wait Until SHTF

    Tired of Leftovers Yet? Just Wait Until SHTF

    You know what question I get that drives me nuts, probably more than any other? It goes something like, “What’s the ONE food I can stockpile for an emergency that doesn’t go bad for years?” Or, perhaps, “What are the ten foods I can have on hand for SHTF that last forever?” Or something like…

  • How to Organize Your Emergency Food Storage

    How to Organize Your Emergency Food Storage

    Food is usually one of the first things people think about during an emergency. When a disaster starts to unfold, you’ll often find long lines at the grocery store as people make a frantic effort to stockpile food on short notice. Building a long-term food supply in advance is an easy way to avoid this…

  • More Food Shortages Coming?

    More Food Shortages Coming?

    Just my humble opinion, but I thought the grocery stores and food manufacturers did a great job this year keeping the store shelves stocked with most of our necessities, all things considered. Granted, there were occasionally times when some items were missing from my local grocery stores–fresh eggs, milk, and the like come to mind–but…

  • 5 Best Off-Grid Water Sources for Preppers

    5 Best Off-Grid Water Sources for Preppers

    When deciding to go off the grid, most homesteaders face two major challenges — power and water. While you can get by without power and the modern creature comforts we’ve become accustomed to, water is a necessity. We can only survive for a few days without a source of clean and drinkable water, but if…

  • First Strike Rations, Better Than MREs?

    First Strike Rations, Better Than MREs?

    Almost a year ago now, I purchased an MRE-style meal for our bug out bags called First Strike Rations. Surprisingly, I’ve never heard of such a thing before, but apparently they’re intended for military special ops-type-folks who want a full meal plan but without unnecessary extras like MRE heaters. And, even though I tend not…

  • Will My Water Filter Remove THAT?

    Will My Water Filter Remove THAT?

    When we first moved to the Seattle area more than six years ago now, one of the first items I purchased was a Royal Berkey Water Filter and I’m so glad that I did. Although I’ve had other filters that I kept for survival purposes, I never bothered to get a really good gravity filter…

  • DIY Solar Water Heater

    DIY Solar Water Heater

    Last week I posted this solar water heater using glow plugs video and, while an interesting idea, it’s not very useful when it comes to making the best use of a precious resource: off-grid electricity. With that in mind, I thought it would be useful to show a different idea of how to heat water…

  • How to Prepare by Geographical Region

    How to Prepare by Geographical Region

    This was not the apocalypse we were expecting, but all things considered, it could be worse. While it might still be hard to get your hands on toilet paper and Lysol these days, that doesn’t mean you should neglect your survival prep, no matter where you live or how you’re impacted by the current crisis. …