Category: Health / Medical / First Aid
So My Neighbor Fell Off a Ladder a Few Weeks Back and Broke His Wrist…
My neighbor, when we still lived in Missouri, fell off his ladder and broke his wrist trying to put up Christmas lights. I don’t know how he’s doing now but I assume his wrist is still healing, though, it’s been nearly a month now. I bring this up because broken bones are one of those…
Living Ready Pocket Manual – First Aid: Fundamentals for Survival… The First Real Look!
One of the few benefits of running a survival blog is that occasionally people will ask me to review their stuff, be it a piece of body armor, flashlight, or perhaps the most important piece… some very useful knowledge. In this case, I was asked by Dr. Hubbard of to review his upcoming paperback…
Who is Your Grid-Down Alternative Health Provider?
Ignoring other services such as food, water, and electricity in this post, we all understand that if the grid goes down for any extended period of time then it’s basically “every man for himself” with respect to your healthcare since the doctors, hospitals, and drug providers are NOT anticipated to provide their normal services whatsoever in a grid-down…
21 Home Remedies for a Toothache
Please note: This article is written by ‘Above Average Joe’ and was originally seen on This week I had to write my article a little ahead of time as I will be out of the office for a few days. I went for an annual cleaning at my dentist and a routine X-ray showed…
One Infectious Disease That Could Comback and Seriously Ruin Your Day!
I was reading this article titled The Burden of Disease and the Changing Task of Medicine from the New England Journal of Medicine the other day–don’t worry, I rarely read such nerdy medical stuff–and viewed the interactive graph when it became happily apparent that a once leading cause of death (100 years ago) has seemingly vanished in today’s…
Top Infectious Disease Epidemics Chart
For some reason I happened upon the following Wikipedia list of epidemics, scrolled through it, and noticed quite a few repeats and began to wonder what epidemics really repeated over and over again throughout history. So, I did the only thing I knew how to do and tallied it all up in Excel (see the…
CONTEST POST: Why You Should Always Put Together Your Own First Aid Kit by F.N.
Everything in life is balance: work and family, work and play, stockpiling and thrift, wariness and a realistic perspective, protein and carbs, whatever. For instance, I’m not the sort of guy who foresees some kind of calamitous, total societal collapse in the near future, particularly in the United States (and comparably developed nations). I am,…
Survival Medicine Handbook – 2nd Ed. is NOW Available on Amazon
I just found out that a book I REALLY enjoy and recommend–The Survival Medicine Handbook by Dr. Joe and Amy Alton–now has a successor: The Survival Medicine Handbook: A guide for when help is NOT on the way. I intend on buying a copy in the very near future and suggest you do as well……
15 Survival Medical Supplies You May Have Missed
We’re all well aware that medical supplies, equipment, and especially qualified assistance will be tough to get hold of after most any disaster, especially longer term situations. With that in mind, I thought I would be a good idea to list several items that would prove useful to you and yours that you might not have…