Category: Skills / Knowledge

  • What Preppers Should Know About Their Home Electrical System

    What Preppers Should Know About Their Home Electrical System

    Electrical systems are integral to everyday life. They power your appliances, heat and cool your home, and keep the lights on. Most homes receive electricity from a centralized grid, whereas some preppers stay off it and produce power for themselves. Regardless, knowing what to do when something goes wrong is essential whether your power is…

  • 28 Best Professions for Preppers

    28 Best Professions for Preppers

    Preppers are more self-sufficient than the average person in emergency preparedness, but what about job skills? Can your survival experience translate to a fulfilling and well-paying career? The short answer is yes — there are numerous opportunities where the prepper lifestyle can help you succeed. These 28 positions are perfect career paths to demonstrate your…

  • Easy Smartphone Charging Hack

    Easy Smartphone Charging Hack

    I’ve never seen this survival hack before, but it’s always worth discovering what might be possible. Personally, this is one more good reason why I (almost) always charge my phone every night no matter what, and why I charge my phone whenever it hits 50% state of discharge, though often well before then. That said,…

  • How to Teach Friends and Family About Prepping Using Social Media

    How to Teach Friends and Family About Prepping Using Social Media

    None of us know what the world holds next for us, so we must be prepared for the worst and ready for anything. This is an important message, and it’s necessary for us to share the word now more than ever. Thankfully, there are many ways to get the message out and share our knowledge…

  • Converting Electronics to Run Straight Off DC Power

    Converting Electronics to Run Straight Off DC Power

    I watched the following video over the weekend and, although it took a while for him to get to the examples, I was quite impressed once he did. Basically, he shows several examples of how he uses step down converters and other devices to run electronics that typically require AC power straight from DC power.…

  • All Your Food is Gone, Now What?

    All Your Food is Gone, Now What?

    As preppers, we often talk about stockpiling food for SHTF scenarios. One of those scenarios is a run on the grocery stores or, worse, a collapse in the supply chain. But a scenario that we fail to fully consider is, “What happens if YOUR food disappears?” The scenario that southernprepper1 lays out in the video…

  • Learning to Fix Your Own Equipment: Where Should You Start?

    Learning to Fix Your Own Equipment: Where Should You Start?

    Survivalists must become self-sufficient in every way possible. That means knowing how to tackle any problem presented to you. If you live off the grid, you might not have somebody nearby to help. These situations require hands-on knowledge to get the job done. You likely have numerous machines like tractors, ATVs and trucks on your…

  • 9 Essential Skills for Off-Grid Living

    9 Essential Skills for Off-Grid Living

    Living off the grid is an alluring proposition since you’re not tied to rising energy prices, you do not have to worry about inflation, and you can go on living as-per-usual no matter what happens. Being self-sufficient is incredibly rewarding, too. Raising your own animals, growing your own crops, and building your own shelter are…

  • Bond With Your Kids by Teaching Survival Skills

    Bond With Your Kids by Teaching Survival Skills

    As parents, we often desire to seek creative and meaningful ways to connect with our kids. It’s an aspiration to share new, fun, and important things with young minds to help them excel and find joy in their growth. That’s the aim. Teaching practical life sustainability skills is one of many ways we can bring…