How to Teach Friends and Family About Prepping Using Social Media

None of us know what the world holds next for us, so we must be prepared for the worst and ready for anything. This is an important message, and it’s necessary for us to share the word now more than ever. Thankfully, there are many ways to get the message out and share our knowledge with others who want to learn more about survival.

One such communication channel is something we all use — social media. There are close to five billion people using social media around the world. So, if you’re going to get a hold of someone, this is one of the easiest ways to ensure your message is received. Here are some reasons why social media is so important when discussing prepping and survival and tips for posts that’ll get your friend’s and family’s attention.

Why Social Media Can Make A Difference

Many people are using social media these days, and a good number of them will want to know more about survival and prepping. Over 74 million Americans say that they’re prepping and spending significant money on supplies and materials for any number of future disasters. While many people may try to peruse the internet looking for prepping websites, many more are on social media for a big chunk of the day. Studies show that many people spend more than two hours every day on social media!

Moreover, when you’re speaking to a specific group of people with similar interests, you’re sharing community-focused content. In this case, you’re focusing almost strictly on content about prepping and survivalism. Connecting with like-minded people, especially when they’re friends or family, is essential. Plus, people need a helping hand and somewhere to turn, and you can be that person.

Many Reasons to Share Via Social Media

The point of talking online is to make a connection. No doubt that preppers are often skeptical of the world, thus we often feel the need to stay isolated from the outside world and keep quiet because we know the dangers that lurk “by letting others know we prepare. While there’s merit in that, it’s also essential that we attempt to connect with others on such an important topic given the state of the world these days.

By showing that you are serious about pepping and have the experience and knowledge necessary to help your friends and family out, you can create a connection that may not have existed before. And by sharing your expertise, you can show them you know what you’re talking about.

Also, by connecting on social media, you can form a network of trustworthy individuals, in this case, people you already know and like. You’ll create a place where you can all ask questions and speak candidly about the issues that matter most to your group. Remember that this goes both ways; odds are good that there are things you don’t already know. Even if it’s a topic you already know something about, others in your group could offer a better method, so embrace this give-and-take.

Consider Reaching Beyond Friends and Family

Now that you’re all in on sharing your knowledge on social media, you need to formulate a plan for success. The first step is to create an overall marketing strategy, especially if you want to reach out to people beyond your friends and family.  Consider the demographics of the people you want to connect with the most. Yes, you want to reach other preppers, but is there a specific age range you’re trying to reach? Do you want to talk mostly with experienced folks who have been prepping for years, or would you rather speak to the novice crowd?

Once your demographics are narrowed down, you can consider which social media platform is best for your efforts. Instagram is a great option because it’s a visual platform if you’re primarily interested in sharing photos and videos. If you’re trying to reach folks based on age, consider that Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter tend to trend with older users. At the same time, TikTok and Instagram can skew younger, so keep that in mind.

After posting for a while, you should also plan to look at your metrics. See how your posts are performing and if you need to make adjustments. The social media platform that you use will allow you to log into the back end, so you can review the data and metrics to see where you’re succeeding and what posts aren’t gaining traction so you can adjust accordingly. After you make those adjustments, continue to monitor your success rate. Evolve your efforts as time passes.

There are also tools available on many social networks if you have important information that you really want to get out to your audience. One of them is the Facebook Ads feature. It allows you to pay a nominal fee to create a post and direct it to people specifically interested in prepping and similar topics and you can build on the recognition you receive.

Types Of Content: General Information

Some people give up early because they think there’s little to say. That’s not true! The reality is that there are many different types of social media content. In addition to posting short facts and blog posts, you can write a more extensive guide or an eBook about anything from the best hunting and fishing methods to sanitation tips. Then, you can link to that content in a post.

[Editor’s note: Even if you’re not running a blog like me, it could be a fun and enjoyable experience for YOU to reach out to friends and family–and others–to share what YOU know. I’m sure there are people out there who would be happy to learn from you, too.]

You can also capture the attention of your audience by sharing visual media like pictures and videos of you demonstrating prepping tasks, showing your equipment, answering viewer questions, or whatever else you’d like to do. Remember that some preppers may be living off the grid where they don’t have a strong internet connection. Since video takes up a lot of bandwidth, know your audience, and post fewer of them if necessary. Sometimes, streaming a live video may be the best option to show your audience what you’re up to in real time, but it all depends on what you’re comfortable doing.

Types Of Content: Sales

You may choose to use social media to sell prepping and survival products. If that’s the case for you, then there’s a slew of other types of content you can share online. In addition to showing your available products, you can also try to increase sales by showcasing customer reviews and testimonials that show the quality of your wares. People will be more enticed to purchase if they know they’re getting a high-quality product from someone who understands their needs and, more importantly, from somebody they already know and trust–you.

An idea to drum up some excitement for your content and your products is to host contests where you can have people comment or like your post, and then you choose one person at random to get a gift. Try to find a prize that fits within the realm of preparation or survival, so your followers will be likely to try to win. While you’re giving something away for free, this is an excellent strategy to get people talking about your posts so you can draw a larger following. Once you have them, you can share more advice about prepping and survival.

Social media also allows you to communicate with your customers. This is especially important if they leave a comment saying they are unsatisfied with a product or an experience with your company. Use the chance to reply to their comment, tell them you’ll take care of it, and make things right. When other visitors see your willingness to assist a customer in need, they may be more willing to buy from you.

If you’re going to start a business from your homestead, then begin by checking your finances and ensuring that you’re on stable financial ground so that adding a company won’t cause more financial strain. You may also need a quiet place to work and a suitable office setup during your work days, so get that squared away first.

Topics Specific For Preppers

There are many other ideas that you can try if you’re looking for content for your prepper posts that could catch the attention of friends, family, and eventually customers.

For instance, you could speak about all things food storage, including common myths that you believe need to be debunked, like the legitimacy of expiration dates. While you’re on the topic of food, you could also discuss the foods that last the longest, which are high in protein, or even how to hunt animals you might have around your property. While you’re at it, you can add topics about water–it’s more crucial than most of us realize–how much water we should consume every day, how to get rid of germs, and more.

You could also talk about the potential for another COVID-19 and lockdown situation that could occur down the line. Topics in this realm could include the food they should buy, the medicines they should stockpile, and the tools they’ll need to stay afloat, like power generators, flashlights, and more. [Editor’s note: Don’t forget the toilet paper!] There are also tips you could share about staying healthy in the case of an outbreak, including the best food to eat, the first aid supplies they’ll need, and the places they should avoid to prevent infection.

Other prepping topics could include:

  • Wildlife skills.
  • Reviews of the newest survival gadgets.
  • Fear-based survival products you don’t need.
  • What to believe and not believe on the news.
  • Where to get valid information about the dangers of the world.
  • First aid skills.
  • Situational awareness.
  • Forming a plan B…or plan C.
  • Info about gas masks & filters.
  • Tips for physical fitness.

No matter what topic you pick though, be sure to conduct thorough research. Your audience will be able to spot disingenuous language from just about anywhere, even from friends and family.

How To Get Internet Anywhere

If you live out in the wilderness where an internet connection is spotty at best, then you will need to look into ways that you can connect so you can post on social media.

You can get a solid internet connection just about anywhere. For one, you can use a mobile hotspot on your phone. If you have a more modern vehicle, you likely have a chip installed to provide a Wi-Fi connection. Simply enroll in the service, find the network on your phone or computer, and you can post and work while you’re on the go. Since tech has evolved so much over the years, the connection you get in a moving vehicle will rival the internet in your home.

[Editor’s note: Starlink might be a good option. We live far enough away from the cities that we can’t get broadband, so we use T-Mobile internet and it works for our needs at a reasonable price.]

It’s also wise to invest in a portable router, which will allow you to connect several devices with a single internet connection. A lot of these routers are so small that they can fit in your pocket, so you are never without a strong connection, even if you’re in a remote area.

While we’re on the topic, investing in a virtual private network is wise because a VPN will disguise your traffic. It automatically encrypts your connection, which makes it unreadable, even if it’s stolen. It’s a helpful tool that can keep prying eyes off your data, including from corporations and hackers. The last thing you need is to get off the grid, set up a life for yourself, and aim to help other preppers via social media only to be hacked and lose what you’ve gained, so take the proper precautions.


Social media can be hugely beneficial for connecting with other preppers, either as a salesperson or simply as someone looking to share information with friends and family. Consider the advice discussed here, and if you can help millions of newbies learn the skills they need to make it through a catastrophe or only a few friends, you’ll feel good about your efforts either way.

[Editor’s note: This was a guest post.]


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


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