• ArmageddonOnline.org Preparedness Links Massive Update

    The folks at ArmageddonOnline.org wrote me and said they’ve updated their library links (mentioned previous here) to 954 files… I didn’t try to count them. Here’s the link if you like: http://www.armageddononline.org/disaster-prep-help.html

  • Are Secure Credit Card Sleeves a Useful Prep or Just a Waste of Money?

    Remember that being prepared is every bit about protecting yourself and family from “everyday” problems like credit card and identity theft as it is about being prepared for the next hurricane to roll through your town. Just yesterday I read an article that discussed what to do if your credit card is stolen and it got me to…

  • Review of Preppers Home Defense Book by Jim Cobb

    A while back I purchased Prepper’s Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary written by fellow blogger, Jim Cobb, of SurvivalWeekly.com and Survival-Gear.com. Apparently he’s written quite an assortment of other books on prepping but this is the first for me. I must say that this is the first book…


    Looks like my friend, Coach David Alexander, has chosen to offer his 2-disc set “How to Kill With Your Hands” to us normal people. I had a chance to review it (he briefly offered it on YouTube). Fortunately, he’s now offering it in a variety of formats but the biggest point is that he’s selling it…

  • What Would You Do If You Broke Your Arm During a Disaster?

    Just yesterday (in my 90 Day Exercise Routine Update) I mentioned that I had done something funny to my arm (and body) after messing around with my kids earlier in the week. Yeah, I know, I’m getting older and shouldn’t do stuff like that but it got me to thinking what if this were an actual emergency…

  • Egg Storage – Week 10 Results

    Another week past, who would have guessed these eggs made it 10 weeks thus far! I think we’ve had a small change but maybe not a big deal. For starters, the mineral oil egg didn’t float (like normal) and didn’t smell funny either: I then cracked the egg and began cooking it. As you can…

  • 3 Reasons to Stay Away From DIY Projects

    I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, especially about how I approach prepping. I’ve been re-thinking many things I do, from how I ensure I’m not neglecting things or better use of checklists and one area that I’ve been on the fence about is the DIY aspect of prepping… until recently. Now, I’ll be among the first…

  • Today is World Water Day [infographic]

    Apparently today is “world water day” and I was asked to mention this infographic on Why Plumbers are Heroes. Spend 30 seconds and read the infographic; it’s an eye-opening reminder about how important clean water is to our health. In fact, I’m reminded of a quote that went something like “we owe our health more…

  • 297 Free Survival Books and Manuals

    ArmageddonOnline.org contacted me a few days back and pointed out they had a huge library of survival books (PDF files) and other manuals that you may want to bookmark… and I thought I had a lot of files to share! FYI, I had trouble opening these files in my browser (it could just be my…