• Cosmetics from the Barnyard (or Four More Benefits of Eggs) by Pam

    The nutrients in eggs play a role in weight management, tissue repair, muscle growth and strength, chemical and hormone production, healthy pregnancies, brain function, eye health and are essential to healthy skin, hair and nails. One egg provides about 70 calories with a lot of vitamins, minerals and critical amino acids or protein. One large…

  • Instrucables to Enjoy: 10 Minute Oil Lamp and Cooking With Three Candle Flames

    A reader recently sent me links to two instructables regarding a 10 Minute Oil Lamp and Cooking With Three Candle Flames that look like neat (and quick) projects and could be fun to try this weekend with the kids. Enjoy!

  • I’ll Be Honest, My Survival “Switch” Has Been in The OFF Position

    I don’t want to make excuses but it is interesting how major life events or, equally likely, drastic changes in one’s routine can throw a “proverbial” monkey wrench into the works. With all the recent tragedies that have befell us lately, I have noticed that I’ve let my guard down quite a bit. As you…

  • 8 Smart Ways to Save Money on Preps

    A buddy of mine sent me a link to this article on how a family of four lives on 14K a year and said I should write a post about it because apparently I’m cheap or maybe just broke (FYI, he’s always been much more frugal than I). Likewise, I’ve been seeing a lot of…

  • The Biggest Threat to Preppers Will be Other Preppers?

    As you may know, I like to frequent the SurvivalistBoards forums but, sadly, rarely get into the discussions because I’m usually just not fast enough to comment. That said, this post on The Biggest Threat to Preppers grabbed my attention and I thought I would share it here. Before even reading the OP or any…

  • Review of Getting Home: Making It Back to Your Family After Disaster Strikes

    I had a chance to review a new book this weekend titled Getting Home: Making It Back to Your Family After Disaster Strikes (links to Kindle book). I first want to mention that EVERY book I’ve ever owned has been a hard-copy, this is the first book that I’ve read completely online via Amazon’s Kindle…

  • How to Download YouTube Videos for Free (using Real Player)

    I’ve always wondered how to download YouTube videos for archiving but never could find a good answer. Whenever I half-heartedly looked I seemed to happen upon some shady website or maybe some tool that didn’t feel right either so I never tried any of them. Fortunately, the other night I downloaded Real Player (the free version)…

  • Retort Canning – A New Way to Can?

    The other day I mentioned that I’d run across a thread that mentioned retort canning. Since this seemed like something new, I was intrigued. After all, I’ve obviously heard of water bath canning and pressure canning, why not retort canning? So, I quickly looked it up. I found out that retort canning is the same…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 6 Results (and what should be my next experiment?)

    Not much has changed from last week. Here’s the mineral oil egg (it didn’t float, smelled fine, tasted fine): …and here’s it cooking on the stove: This is the control egg (it floated, didn’t really smell funny at all either before or after being cracked): What should be my next experiment? I feel like Saturday’s…