Water Rights and Groundwater Access: How to Navigate Legal Complexities As A Prepper
You never know what water access will look like in an emergency, yet it’s the most critical, lifesaving thing to have in your kit. What if water is around but not drinkable? What open water sources can you pull from? Learn what you need to know so an upcoming disaster doesn’t compromise everything you’ve prepped…
Inflation Data Red Hot, But No Need to Worry?
This week I’ve been pointing out that egg prices AND gold prices have rise substantially over the past year or two. I suggested that this is a precursor of worse times to come. But I also pointed out that I’m not a financial analyst, so my estimation isn’t necessarily the best one to go by.…
Are Rising Gold Prices a Sign of Worse to Come?
Monday I mentioned that egg prices are on the rise, which I suspect you knew already. What concerns me is that rising prices across the board may be a sign to of worse things to come, but I’m only a paranoid prepper. 😉 Today I want to point out the rise in gold prices. They’re…
Are Rising Egg Prices a Sign of Worse to Come?
I haven’t had to purchase eggs in years, at least until this past December. I was shocked to see that the organic / cage free eggs were nine dollars for a dozen at our local grocery store. The cheaper eggs were something like four or five dollars a dozen, but even that felt a tad…
When is Prepping Frivolous?
Although the video creator below appears to consider prepping more like how I define homesteading, we generally agree on the purpose of prepping: being reading for relatively small problems in our lives, such as a power outage, ice storm, or a short-term hike in prices at the grocery store. Granted, it’s easy to continue this…
Financial Preparedness Strategies for Preppers
Numerous examples of worldwide instability may have made you especially grateful for your preparedness-focused mindset lately while encouraging you to ensure you have your financial bases covered. What should you do to protect your finances if the economy collapses? Have an Emergency Fund Review your finances and calculate how much your monthly essentials cost. Then,…
Emergency Water Storage: Best Practices for Wildfire Scenarios
Whether you’re a doomsday prepper or a concerned citizen in a vulnerable location, everyone should know how to keep and access water during a wildfire. It’s essential for survival and for staying strong in emergencies. Follow these best practices to prepare for trouble and maintain constant water security. Understanding Water Needs in Wildfire Situations In…
How to Store Dry Beans Long-Term
Like she says in the video below, how to store beans depends on what you’re planning to do with them. If you expect to get into them within a year or two, then you probably don’t have to do anything, just like rice or pasta. But if you want to store them for several years…
How Ancient Hunting Strategies Enhance Modern Survival
The well-known archetypal image of an ancient hunter, clad in animal pelts and wielding a rudimentary hand-crafted spear, might seem worlds apart from a modern individual braving the wilds. The finest advancements in technology inform modern survival techniques and strategies, whether that’s GPS navigation or tracking tools. Yet, these two worlds aren’t so different beneath…