• 5 Top Survival Tips and Supplies for Your Home

    5 Top Survival Tips and Supplies for Your Home

    It is essential to always have the right survival supplies in your home at all times, especially for those staying in places where natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, and wildfire are common. Remember that a disaster does not always send you a memo! Disasters often strike without warning, so you need to have…

  • Farewell PNW

    Farewell PNW

    As I sit here on my back deck this morning listening to the birds chirp (some of who like to rise at 4:30 am lately), waiting for everyone get up before we head off back to the Midwest, I reflect on my time here in Western Washington. We’ve spent over seven years in Poulsbo. Over…

  • The Ultimate Family Go Bag

    The Ultimate Family Go Bag

    While I have my own ideas of what should go in a bug out bag, I’m surprised to see just how similar our thinking is when it comes to creating a bug out bag for “normal” people, that is, family and particularly young children. The fact that he’s opted to select bright colors for the…

  • What Does It Really Take to Produce All Your Own Food?

    What Does It Really Take to Produce All Your Own Food?

    Whether you’re a homesteader or are interested in off-grid living and survival preparation, one of the key factors in your life is producing your own food. Providing food like fruits, vegetables and meat for your household year-round takes a lot of work and planning, but it’s worth it to get high-quality food and to limit…

  • How to Survive the Coming Collapse

    How to Survive the Coming Collapse

    About a month ago, I had an epiphany: I needed to write about the coming collapse of America. It’s not something I wanted to do, but considering the state of our country I felt I had to say something. Rather than getting political, I choose to discuss it from a prepping perspective, and, so, I…

  • Avoiding Addiction in Isolation During SHTF

    Avoiding Addiction in Isolation During SHTF

    No matter what causes the end of the world, most apocalypse scenarios in popular culture have one thing in common. Once you’re done running from zombies or hiding from nuclear fallout, it’s the perfect time to break into the liquor cabinet and have a hard drink. Even so, consuming alcohol or drugs always puts you…

  • How to Never Get a Serious Poison Ivy Rash Again

    How to Never Get a Serious Poison Ivy Rash Again

    I wish I knew this about twenty years ago. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with the soap you use, but everything to do with friction…

  • Pick My Collapse Book Cover

    Pick My Collapse Book Cover

    A few weeks ago, I had an epiphany: I needed to write about our coming collapse. You see, I firmly believe that our great nation is collapsing for a variety of reasons, and now is the time to prepare for it. In fact, it’s going to be up to people like you and me to rebuild it from…

  • What to Know About Adding Animals to Your Homestead

    What to Know About Adding Animals to Your Homestead

    Homesteaders everywhere choose to add animals to their property. Animals make excellent pets, companions, workers and even food sources. Sometime along your own homesteading journey, you may think about adding your own animals to your homestead. There’s a lot to know before adding animals to your homestead, though. Multiple animals mean that you have numerous…