• Can Liberals Survive the Apocalypse?

    Can Liberals Survive the Apocalypse?

    I needed something funny to lighten my mood today, and this was it. Enjoy!

  • Food Buckets and Canning Scams?

    Food Buckets and Canning Scams?

    I think the lesson here is to be careful where you buy from. Just because it sounds like a deal that’s too good to be true then, well, it probably is!

  • Common Misconceptions About Heating and Cooling Your Homestead

    Common Misconceptions About Heating and Cooling Your Homestead

    Deciding to live off-the-grid means you begin sustaining your life without all of the modern technologies. You find ways to source your own water. You plant gardens and harvest fruit from trees. You begin to source your energy from more renewable sources than those that deplete the earth. Plus, you likely have a few animals…

  • How Preppers Prepare for a Second Wave

    How Preppers Prepare for a Second Wave

    The novel coronavirus first emerged in late December 2019, which has profoundly changed our world and day-to-day reality. During the spring and summer of 2020, communities began to reopen bars, restaurants, and stores. People were eager to go back to their normal daily  activities. A few of us may have imagined (or just hoped) that…

  • Parabolic Mirror Solar Cooking

    Parabolic Mirror Solar Cooking

    Makes me want to do solar cooking again…and to have a grilled cheese sandwich, lol. Just be careful where you aim that mirror because it could start a fire!

  • 9 Crucial Items Preppers Recommend In Case of Another Lockdown

    9 Crucial Items Preppers Recommend In Case of Another Lockdown

    Covid-19 has taught the world that we aren’t typically prepared as individuals or as a society to cope with sudden, massive upheavals. In order to avoid widespread shortages of food in the future, one would do well to seek the advice of those who have planned for events of this magnitude for years, if not…

  • 13 Exercises to Strengthen Your Mental Fortitude for Survival

    13 Exercises to Strengthen Your Mental Fortitude for Survival

    Have you ever wondered how some people become billionaires while others slave away at a 9-to-5 job their entire lives? While opportunity may have something to do with their achievement, success stories like Jeff Bezos and Jack Ma aren’t merely the result of smarts, physical strength or leadership potential. Rather, these people used perseverance, grit…

  • Why It’s Important to Build Roads and Trails on Your Homestead

    Why It’s Important to Build Roads and Trails on Your Homestead

    Roads and trails get you where you need to go every day. Millions of people drive for miles on the streets that shape their region to get to work, school or the store. Throughout national and local parks, marked trails tell hikers where they’re going so they can see main attractions and enjoy nature without…

  • 14 Common Misconceptions About Preppers

    14 Common Misconceptions About Preppers

    Perhaps you have seen the National Geographic series Doomsday Preppers and think preppers are insane. I hope not. Unfortunately, that show makes fun of people like us, but there are many good things you can glean from such shows if you can get past the misconceptions. With that in mind, the following are some stereotypes…