• Home Security in Times of Strife

    Home Security in Times of Strife

    Below you’ll find plenty of solid advice, much of which I discuss in my own book on the topic, but if you want the quick and dirty home security ideas to implement right now then watch the following videos. And, while some of the advice is redundant, there’s still a lot covered in the first…

  • Rand McNally Road Atlas for Bug Out

    Rand McNally Road Atlas for Bug Out

    I was going through some of my preps the other day as well as some things in our vehicles when I came across some relatively old regional fold-up maps, you know, the kind you used to pick up at gas stations and even Walmart. I assume they still sell them but with the advent of…

  • Tesla Solar Roof: The Future of Off Grid Power?

    Tesla Solar Roof: The Future of Off Grid Power?

    I’ve been slowly researching off-grid power solutions the past month or two again and I was immediately disheartened at how costly it all is, especially if you want to include a battery bank. Granted, there have been quite a few innovations in the solar power market lately with the wider use of lithium batteries, for…

  • Tips for Cutting Weight Off Your Bug Out Bag

    Tips for Cutting Weight Off Your Bug Out Bag

    By: Derek Edwards Witnessing the wide array of events over the past year has highlighted one undeniable fact: the world feels a little crazier now than it has in a long time. Between the pandemic, the uptick in natural disasters, and civil unrest across the population, we feel there should be an increased emphasis on…

  • Guide to Caring for Livestock on Your Homestead

    Guide to Caring for Livestock on Your Homestead

    People purchase livestock for many reasons. Some might want them as a pet. Others see them and buy them because they’re cute. However, when you’re living on a homestead, livestock is necessary. As a homesteader, it’s your goal to live a sustainable life while providing for yourself and your family in the best ways possible.…

  • Top 100 Hardware Store Preps to Buy

    Top 100 Hardware Store Preps to Buy

    I’m sure you’ve seen lists of the top 100 survival items to stock up on before disaster strikes, but have you ever seen one specifically about hardware store preps? I haven’t, which is why this video intrigued me. And, to be honest, I’m surprised at all that’s been included. Granted, some items might be a…

  • 11 High Investment Home Security Enhancements

    11 High Investment Home Security Enhancements

    Most homeowners don’t worry about intruders, much less nuclear blasts and gunfire. However, true survivalists know that these are all very real and present dangers, so a typical lock and key just won’t cut it. Rather, they need tools, systems, and shelters to protect themselves and their assets in every situation. The more they can…

  • Best Non-Lethal Gun Option for Home Self Defense?

    Best Non-Lethal Gun Option for Home Self Defense?

    I’ve posted videos in the past like how do I defend myself without firearms? which offered some interesting solutions, but this video caught my attention as I was mindlessly surfing YouTube, so I thought I would pass it along. Granted, there’s no substitute for a real firearm for true self defense, but I do know…

  • Water Purification When Living Off the Grid

    Water Purification When Living Off the Grid

    Off-grid living means you get your water from Mother Nature and not big business. You might rely on a nearby river or stream, and you may even have a rain barrel to collect what the sky provides. It may not be clean or safe enough to be drinkable, though. Since industrialization and modern farming, more…