What My Rich Friends Refuse to Accept About Our Coming Collapse
My family and I moved back to Missouri from Washington state a few months ago for several reasons, chief among them for me is to prepare for the coming collapse because I firmly believe we’re better off trying to survive in the heart of the country when things go to hell in a handbasket. Aside…
Do This While You Still Can
I firmly believe things are going to get real bad over the next several months to few years. And, as much as I would prefer to stick it out at home, you have to be ready to bug out as well. As the video below discusses, you might not be able to carry everything you…
10 Ways to Stay Warm During a Power Outage
Yes, winter really is coming, and sooner than you think. Given that utility prices are rising, especially natural gas, it might get more difficult to keep warm this coming winter if you’re not thinking ahead. With that in mind, consider the following ten tips in the video below. And, while it was intended for the…
Simple Off-Grid Refrigeration for Medical Supplies
There are many ways to go about powering small equipment, refrigerators, chest freezers, and the like if the grid goes down temporarily. One of my favorite methods is to simply buy an 800-watt inverter and connect it to your vehicle’s battery, which should provide enough power to keep a standard refrigerator or chest freezer functioning…
October is Fire Safety Month – 5 Crucial References
I received an email the other day stating that “it’s fire safety month,” which immediately made me laugh just a bit. The way we designate a month as the time to be concerned about something boggles my mind, as if the other eleven months we can ignore [fill in the blank] concern. In any case,…
How Do You Really Know When You’re in the Middle of a Collapse?
This is a legitimate question–and I’m not saying I have an answer–but I truly feel that we’re in the middle of some sort of nationwide, or maybe even worldwide, collapse. But how do I know we’re going to collapse? The truth is, I don’t know for sure. Sure, I could cite the U.S. Debt Clock…
Jerky for Survival
Meat prices are rising, some foods are unavailable, other items (like toilet paper) are being rationed/hoarded again, all of which means inflation is rearing its ugly head. What are you going to do if you can’t get the meat you’d normally eat at the store? Perhaps store-bought jerky is the answer…
How to Grow a Successful Garden Through Winter
Spring, summer, and fall are the months all home gardeners live for, especially with the perfect temperatures and conditions to grow nearly any food. Once the fall harvest is over, many gardeners put away their equipment for the winter and prepare their soils for the colder temperatures and snowfall ahead. Although many people think gardening…
DIY Ceiling Fan Wind Turbine
When I first saw the title of the first video, I half expected this guy to merely turn a ceiling fan on its side and let ‘er rip, but the idea is quite a bit more complicated than that as you might expect. And, yes, there are seven total videos for this DIY project below.…