• DIY Solar Water Heater Using Glow Plugs?

    DIY Solar Water Heater Using Glow Plugs?

    Although there’s no verbal explanation given as the video plays, I think I generally get the idea: Use two glow plugs like a hot water heating element to generate a constant current using a small solar panel and battery. And, while it’s a relatively small water barrel–I’m guessing 15 gallons–he was able to get the…

  • 8 Reasons to Invest in Smart Home Security Today

    8 Reasons to Invest in Smart Home Security Today

    Your home is one of the most expensive purchases that you’ll ever invest in, often spending years saving for just the right place. It’s critical to feel safe in your home and, unfortunately, the world isn’t such a safe place anymore. You need to be proactive in protecting your family and property. As such, here…

  • Buried Shipping Containers – So Many Problems!

    Buried Shipping Containers – So Many Problems!

    I’ve long been interested in doing some sort of underground shelter, but never bothered in large part because I have no idea what I’m doing. Besides, it’s a rather expensive prepping project, so I’d hate to get it wrong and waste a bunch of money or, worse, endanger my family. As DIY projects go, burying…

  • How to Turn Your Basement Into a Survival Shelter

    If you’re considering setting up a survival space in or around your home, don’t jump immediately to digging a hole in your yard and setting up an underground bunker. After all, a bunker might end up killing you. If your home has a basement or cellar, you may already have the foundations of a viable…

  • DIY Solar Panel Primer

    DIY Solar Panel Primer

    Solar power is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of green energy in the world. It’s also one of the most accessible forms of green energy, with solar panels getting more affordable every year. When you pair that cost reduction with the incentives the federal government offers to homes that utilize green energy,…

  • How to Protect Your Family During Civil Unrest

    How to Protect Your Family During Civil Unrest

    The start of this new decade has proven to be a tumultuous one. Between a global viral pandemic and worldwide protest and riots in response to the death of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement, tensions and tempers are high. It doesn’t take much to turn a peaceful protest into a full-blown riot,…

  • Plywood to Protect Doors and Windows During Civil Unrest

    Plywood to Protect Doors and Windows During Civil Unrest

    I know that the guy in the video below (TheUrbanPrepper) lives in the Seattle area like I do, but I think he’s on the Seattle-side of the Puget Sound, so I can understand why he’s pre-cutting plywood sheets now to help protect his home considering how unruly it’s getting over there. In any case, for…

  • Home Fires: Prevention, Protection, Recovery, and More

    Home Fires: Prevention, Protection, Recovery, and More

    Fire eats and breathes, but it isn’t truly alive — and if you take away its fuel or oxygen, it will die. Fire also indiscriminately consumes everything in its path when it is set loose, including homes, businesses, animals and people.  Thankfully, you can take steps to protect your home from fire, whether the blaze…

  • 3.5kWh DIY Solar Generator for $650

    3.5kWh DIY Solar Generator for $650

    What an interesting video. Who would’ve guessed that you could fit so much battery storage capacity into such a small space as a toolbox? Sure makes you wonder what you’re really paying for with those commercially-made solar power stations. Oh, that’s right: reliability, engineering, design, safety, warranty, probably better parts, and a bit of profit…