• Flood Survival Advice

    Flood Survival Advice

    We live on a volatile planet. At any given time, there are fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions taking place all around the globe. These natural disasters may vary depending on where you live, but floods, in particular, can happen nearly anywhere. If you live in a flood zone or find yourself in the…

  • Deep Watering for Better Garden Results

    Deep Watering for Better Garden Results

    So you think you’ve been watering your garden properly all these years? Maybe not. Here’s why watering your garden deeper is important, how to do so properly (he makes some good points), and when you shouldn’t bother…

  • Will My Water Filter Remove THAT?

    Will My Water Filter Remove THAT?

    When we first moved to the Seattle area more than six years ago now, one of the first items I purchased was a Royal Berkey Water Filter and I’m so glad that I did. Although I’ve had other filters that I kept for survival purposes, I never bothered to get a really good gravity filter…

  • A Wealth of Survival Supplies Post-Apocalypse

    A Wealth of Survival Supplies Post-Apocalypse

    I’ll let you in on a major character flaw of mine: I’m a horrible “outside of the box” thinker. If solution A doesn’t fix problem B then I’m usually in trouble. I think that’s why I’m so fascinated with DIY projects and why I truly enjoy watching YouTube videos on anything survival-related, especially in a…

  • DIY Solar Water Heater

    DIY Solar Water Heater

    Last week I posted this solar water heater using glow plugs video and, while an interesting idea, it’s not very useful when it comes to making the best use of a precious resource: off-grid electricity. With that in mind, I thought it would be useful to show a different idea of how to heat water…

  • Money Stashes for Everyday Preparedness

    Money Stashes for Everyday Preparedness

    After watching this video on EDC Necessities Kit, it got me to thinking about some things I do that aren’t solely about preparedness, but more for just in case something happens day to day. And one of the actions that I do (more so than I realize) is keeping small stashes of money in various…

  • EDC Necessities Kit

    EDC Necessities Kit

    This video isn’t really about preparedness, though he does include some useful survival gear, but more about the daily items one might want to have handy for everyday needs. Like he said, it’s a very personalized kit, so you shouldn’t just copy what he’s done – make it your own! Like I said, he does…

  • The Truth About Survival Knives

    The Truth About Survival Knives

    Knives are a hotly debated and popular gear item in the survival community. Choosing the right knife is a personal choice and the purpose of this article is not to sway you to a certain brand or model. However, my goal is to possibly shift your perspective on what a “survival” knife is.  The Real…

  • DIY Solar Water Heater Using Glow Plugs?

    DIY Solar Water Heater Using Glow Plugs?

    Although there’s no verbal explanation given as the video plays, I think I generally get the idea: Use two glow plugs like a hot water heating element to generate a constant current using a small solar panel and battery. And, while it’s a relatively small water barrel–I’m guessing 15 gallons–he was able to get the…