• Here’s One Time You May Not Be Testing Your Smoke Alarms

    Here’s One Time You May Not Be Testing Your Smoke Alarms

    So I was downstairs in the basement this morning getting a fire going and I was having a hard time of it. Reason being is that this particular fireplace has a 90-degree bend in the flue which makes getting it going a bit challenging and takes some patience. I wasn’t feeling very patient today and…

  • What To Do If Your Oven Catches Fire

    What To Do If Your Oven Catches Fire

    Last night I was making two pizzas in the oven like I’d done many times before. When they were done I pulled the oven rack toward me as far as it would go so I could slide the pizzas out easier; I got the first one out no problem, but when I returned to get…

  • Lock Pick Beginners Box Review

    Lock Pick Beginners Box Review

    I was sent this Lock Pick Beginners Box from LockPickWorld.com in exchange for an honest review and, honestly, I really had no idea what they were going to send because I basically said “send whatever you like” as I had no experience with picking locks and, thus, no expectations either. Anyway, the box arrived a few…

  • Top 10 Places To Hide A Gun In Your Home

    Top 10 Places To Hide A Gun In Your Home

    There’s simply no question that a firearm is one of the very best home defense weapons you can have. There’s also no question that leaving your firearms out in plain sight is a bad idea, and for more reasons than one. The last thing you want is someone with unauthorized access to get their hands…

  • BioScarf – Cold Weather Scarf with Built-in N95 Protection

    BioScarf – Cold Weather Scarf with Built-in N95 Protection

    I’d never heard of such a thing as the BioScarf until today. Interestingly, it’s like a typical scarf but with an N-95 mask built into it. Apparently, it can filter out all sorts of airborne pathogens, from bacteria to smoke and plenty more. Plus they come in a variety of colors, including camo, olive drab,…

  • 7 Things You Should Never Burn in Your Fireplace (and why)

    7 Things You Should Never Burn in Your Fireplace (and why)

    I have a bunch of old papers that I need to get rid of and it occurred to me that I could just burn them in my fireplace one day, but I got to wondering if that was really a good idea as I’d never done so before (I’d always done this outdoors). Well, it…

  • What If We Regulated Driving Like We Do Guns?

    What If We Regulated Driving Like We Do Guns?

    Yesterday I shared a brief video about Washington’s I-1639 passing that seriously restricts gun ownership, and I clearly wasn’t happy about it. I’m still not happy about it passing and, like the guy said in the video, most of the law won’t directly impact me whatsoever. Regardless, it’s still the wrong way to go but…

  • Washington Passes I-1639…Time to Move

    Washington Passes I-1639…Time to Move

    I woke up this morning and watched this video about I-1639 passing which immediately ruined my day since I also live in Washington state. So, thanks Washington voters, from the bottom of my heart, for making my life–and that of other law-abiding gun owners–that much more difficult because you’re a bunch of idiots! Apparently, however,…

  • 7 Overlooked Everyday Items In Your House You Can Use For Survival

    Any survival or disaster situation is naturally going to require you to get a little creative.   This is because resources in any survival situation are going to be rather thin, and you’re going to have to learn how to make the best with what you have. Fortunately, finding yourself in a survival situation doesn’t…