• Vegetable Can Rocket Stove Build

    Vegetable Can Rocket Stove Build

    I’m sure you’ve seen those #10 rocket stoves by now and maybe you’ve even tried to make one. I’ve done so in the past and they work great! But they are rather bulky and maybe not everyone actually has a #10 can to use or perhaps you simply don’t want something that big. As such,…

  • Let Dishes Air Dry to Save Even More Money?

    I know people who never use their dishwasher. Yes, that’s right… they NEVER use it. I think that’s insane! We literally use our dishwasher everyday. Yes, everyday. As such, it’s a significant energy user in our household. Perhaps we’re the “insane” ones? Regardless, according to some estimates not using the heated dry setting on your dishwasher…

  • A Tale of Two 24 Hour Power Outages…

    A Tale of Two 24 Hour Power Outages…

    Twenty-four hours doesn’t sound like a long time, does it? After all, twenty-four hours is a single day… a mere fraction of the week. Sadly, a single day usually passes like the blink of an eye when things are normal. During an emergency (such as a power outage) twenty-four hours could seem like an eternity! Let’s see what life would be like…

  • How to Determine Remaining Sunlight

    How to Determine Remaining Sunlight

    Have you ever wondered how to figure out how much sunlight is left during the day without looking it up on the internet? Well, have or haven’t, here’s how to do just that: “This method is used for an average adult with an outstretched hand. Each finger equals fifteen minutes worth of daylight or time, so…

  • Shop Around for Insurance Rates and Services to Save BIG Money!

    I used to drive my wife nuts because–according to her–I would switch home phone providers as often as I changed my underwear. 😉 Ok, maybe not quite that often but I did tend to change providers often. I was always looking for a better deal. After all, if one company is offering the same services for…

  • Focus on Powering a Chest Freezer Filled with Freezer Meals

    As much of a fan as I am of bulk foods as well as freeze dried foods (of late), I understand that not everyone sees things the same as me, which is fine. In fact, bulk foods take both work and sometimes equipment (such as a grain grinder) to make use of them whereas freeze…

  • A Solution for Medications That Need Refrigerated

    A Solution for Medications That Need Refrigerated

    I’ve thinking about diabetics who need insulin and the dilemma they would have should they ever be faced with a lengthy power outage. It’s my understanding that not only does the insulin need to be refrigerated to be effective but that the temperature should not even fluctuate very much at all. When the power goes…

  • 12 Ways to Save Your Life With A Beer Can (Guest Post)

    12 Ways to Save Your Life With A Beer Can (Guest Post)

    Stephen King, a famous American author once said, “A man who lies about beer makes enemies”. Indeed, beer is one of man’s closest friends as it is always present in times of triumph, celebration, and even in grief. There is something wonderful about this drink that some of us simply can’t just live without it.…

  • Use Discount Cards to Buy Gas?

    Use Discount Cards to Buy Gas?

    Be honest, you have a few of these “discount” shopping cards, don’t you? Besides probably being a violation of your privacy since the company has a complete history of everything you purchase, they can help you save money on a variety of in-store purchases, but the part I want to focus on is the possibility of…