Should American Children Learn Spanish or Chinese to Prepare for Their Future?

learn-languageSo, we’ve decided to homeschool our kids starting this year and one of the things we would like our children to learn is a foreign language. Our problem is that we are in disagreement as to what language they should learn: the language of the eventual majority (Spanish) or the language of our debt collectors, the Chinese? Either way might work out well but who knows where we’ll be in twenty years.

My wife thinks Spanish is more appropriate (it may be the likely majority language soon enough) whereas I feel Chinese is the right way to go (best to know the “new” language of money). So, I figured I would ask you fine folks what you think. Of course, there’s the third option: keep it English-only and screw everyone else! Hmmm… that one is starting to sound pretty good. 😉


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


18 responses to “Should American Children Learn Spanish or Chinese to Prepare for Their Future?”

  1. Cindy

    I too think both, more and more company’s are outsourcing jobs, I know that will get a a lot of dander up, but face facts, it’s been happening for years, while Americans are struggling to find a job. Companies don’t care about the employees, but the do care about the bottom line and earnings per share.
    In my current job, I usually get the Central America and Carabean runs, with some unwelcome trips to India here and there. I know enough Spanish to understand what people are saying,even that much throws them off when you join into their conversation in English or when you tell some “slickster” your ride will pick you up away from the pick up area, because he believes you don’t know Spanish… that he just doesn’t have the cohones big enough to play that game with you. I know no Hindi and know folks are talking smack while smiling, by the looks on the hosts faces from time to time.
    I had a China run this spring, prefer that trip over India any day…. But it’s a difficult language with nuances in body language and inflection – in one area I would ask a question in American English, a gentleman from India would repeat it in Indian English to a Chinese lady who spoke Cantonese and lives. In Vancouver,Canda who would ask it to the local lady in Mandarine Chinese. The last lady would respond in English. And why you ask? Because the workers in these countries are making $2.50 or less an hour when the person who use to hold the seat was $17-20 or more. Any additional language only helps people retain their jobs or better places them to get another job if theirs is “eliminated”. I believe like many, you’re in America – speak American, this was drilled into me by my German parents who wouldn’t teach us German, but learning at the knee – I am fluent in the German curse words and always wished they would have taught us. We are cut off basically from some of the family because of it.

    At the end of the day, it’s up to each individual, to not pick up something else may in turn serve to isolate each of us in different situations,

    In the mean time, I prep – emediate situations are weather related. I take water filtration and treatment and in the case of India, freeze dried foods, emergency first aide and suture needle kits, a multi tool, travel mess nd duct tape! Long term, add to preps as I can, where I can.

    1. Wow, Cindy… sounds like you need a new job! I would hate to travel that much, especially to so many foreign countries. Yeah, I hear you about learning both languages but I kind of figured that would be too much… better to focus on just one. But, of course, the more one knows the better off they will be. Thanks for your input, I do appreciate it.

      1. Cindy

        You have that right regarding the new job, this is not pleasure travel, just a long commute to go to work. Spanish is easier to learn and has Latin roots, with many words similar to English. When hubby retires, we’re blowing this popcorn stand, and heading to hopefully a less tax heavy state.

  2. Kathy

    While I would prefer that everyone in the US speak English, the reality is that a lot of people speak Spanish only. If you can speak Spanish, it make you that much more valuable in the work force – especially in the medical or customer relations fields. Also, it keeps people from speaking Spanish right in front of you, while hiding what they are saying (had this happen to me). It gives them quite a shock when the lil’ white girl responds and obviously knows just what they’ve been saying, presumably behind her back.

    1. Well, that a GOOD reason to learn the language! Thank you.

    2. T.R.

      I speak to them in Russian …….two can play that game .

  3. T.R.

    Spanish is the language of FAILURE , every nation where Spanish is the national language is a crap country . They need to speak English …..PERIOD . The rest of civilized economic world learns English as a trade language as it is right now . Chinese ? what for ? You going to move there ? I would suggest learning the language of the country that you would want to live should this one become such a tyranny or collapse completely ( very possible ) as a plan B .Better yet , learn or have them learn a skill they can take with them anywhere besides here . All nations that are using fiat currency , will collapse , this includes the Chinese , the Crap latin american countries have nothing to begin with anyway ……why learn their trog language ?

    1. Gee, how do you REALLY feel about it?

      1. T.R.

        Sorry , I’m from an era when all Americans said what they really think openly and without fear , Todays lack of it is part of the problem ……….unless your a minority , then PC doctrine says its alright . I dont play that game . Just sayin .

  4. JAS

    I say screw them all. If you want to talk to me, you better be able to speak American English. I am not learning another language just so you can move here and not learn mine.

    1. T.R.


  5. i voted for spanish

    you can easily practice and use it your entire life in the US

    1. T.R.

      Did you ever stop to think , that by learning their language , your helping to make yourself a minority ? I live at ground zero in the southwest . I can say with all truth that they dont want to learn our language , but rather want us to learn theirs . By learning spanish , your not doing them or your country any favors . Just sayin .

      1. No, never thought about that. I do agree that I would much rather ONLY have my kids speak English seeing as though that is our language here in America but I also realize that things change no matter what we want… I simply want my kids to have as many options open to them as possible and I figured if I could get them to learn one of the two languages I felt would be most beneficial 20+ years from now then great. I do find it interesting that you say they don’t want to learn our language… I wonder if that’s laziness or some unspoken conspiracy to drive out English?

        1. JAS

          Here in Florida, they don’t want to speak English. They want everyone else to learn their language. My granddaughter is five and the preschool teaches them Spanish and sign language. She can speak and sign better in Spanish than she can in English, because that is what the state wants. Use to be, if a family moved to America, they learned the language and strived to be a citizen. Today they move to America and want us to change to meet their wants and needs. Let’s just turn the country into a 3rd world county so they will feel more at home. Screw them all.

          1. T.R.

            That is the truth , just try to explain that to one of the mongrelizing liberals .

        2. T.R.

          Its a conspiracy , they are too stupid to see that their ways are not working ( or they wouldnt be here to begin with ) and too arrogant and disrespectful to accept anything else , except the shit hole 3rd world ways they came from .That culture is truly a cancer anywhere it goes .

  6. Veronica

    Honestly I think both. Depending on your current demographic. Where I live there are a lot of Spanish speaking people and you can’t get a job unless you are bilingual (which is sad) so I think Spanish for the near future and Chinese or Cantonese for the more distant future. I believe both languages will be useful.

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