What do You Think, Should I Sell Out or Not? Survival Blogs Worth Money!!

moneyThe folks over at SurvivalReader.com recently sent me this post on The Best Prep Nobody Talks About: Make a Survival Blog? and I realized that I recognized both sites.

In fact, I had some correspondence with the previous owner of PrepHappy.com quite a while back trying to help her get her blog going. Anyway, I have no idea why she bailed on the site but I can understand if she got frustrated or wasn’t making enough money.

I can honestly attest that running a blog is much more work than most people realize (other blog owners back me up here!) and most of us certainly don’t do it for the money. If I remember right, it was a good year or two of running this site before I could even consider it as more than just a hobby. Now, yes, it is more of a business these days but one I absolutely enjoy! Well, *most* of the time.

Anyway, I got to thinking that if they could get thousands of dollars at auction for their sites, maybe I could do significantly better?

It was briefly tempting let me tell ya’! Besides, it seems like everyone is doing the exact same thing these days… sharing content without actually creating any (I’m more and more guilty of this, I know) and even when people do create new content it often feels like I’ve seen it somewhere else. Maybe that’s just because I literally watch hundreds of blogs and have been at it for years. Who knows. So long as it’s “new for you” then that’s all that matters.

Of course, I’d like to think that I certainly could do better at auction but I can’t imagine selling out… ever, to be honest. After all, this site is “my baby” and I’d probably feel heartbroken watching what somebody else might do to it!

More importantly, I do feel like it’s my duty to provide you, the readers, with the most useful and up-to-date content I can find each and every day. And, yes, I do work EVERYDAY… but I do enjoy it and learn myself which was the whole reason why I started this blog in the first place.

All that aside, what do you think? What’s this site worth? 5K? 10K? More?? C’mon! Flatter me and I may just try to retire early. 😉


My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ49Y5X4


15 responses to “What do You Think, Should I Sell Out or Not? Survival Blogs Worth Money!!”

  1. …you mean this isn’t a hobby…I must be doing something wrong:)

  2. I can back you up…. There is a ton of work and worry put into building a blog. I can honestly say that I had no idea just how much time it would take when we started our blog almost 4 years ago. Maybe that’s why we’ve seen so many other blogs come and go.

    All the work is worth it though when someone reaches out and lets you know that one of your articles has helped them in some way.

    One thing that I’d like to say about those blogs being sold at auction.. Just because someone placed a winning bid doesn’t mean that the owner ever got paid. People back out of paying their bids all the time.

    1. Didn’t know people backed out on their bids. I figure ther would be some sort of significant penalty for doing that!

  3. doug

    For me this site is the ONE to go to . Being fairly new to the internet, I would never figure out how to find these other sites, if I was on my own !I DO appreciate all of your hard work to find these other places to go to . I would be lost without them ! Maybe , like my ex-wife would say, sometimes we don’t think about thing’s we take for granted ?? Anyway , THANKS !!

  4. the real questions is how much would you sell for?

    if you could sell the site and make $10,000 to put in a savings account for your kids education, wouldn’t that be the most responsible thing to do? what about 20k, or 30k?

    Or wait until the prepper niche becomes so saturated or not as popular and you end up with less?

    of course i have no idea, I’m not clear how the selling thing works, I was blown away a blog can sell for $20 lol

  5. Curtiss

    PRICELESS!! I have gained so much from your site, I read it every day. I was going to several sites, and eventually I dropped some out of my daily read. But rethink survival is one that has never made it to the chopping block. She’d plan.com recently changed, Jrw hired a guy to run the website, the change is noticeable, but still a good site I look forward to reading. Giving up your baby could be fatal to all your hard work. Your site truly is priceless!

  6. Clint

    Just my .02 but I’ve been following a life’s skills lifestyle for 5 yrs. There has been a barrel full of “prep” sites that have surfaced in that time. I have probably visited most and subscribed to a few. Yours is one of two I still visit that still has worthy content on occasion. Hate to see yo close shop.

  7. T.R.

    This thing happened to another site ( in a way ) . There were two owners of the site , and one had some personal problems that didnt allow him to stay as active on it as he once was , so the other guy bought him out and is still running the site . Its ok at best , but what made the site , were both people …………its not the same . As far as seeing the same things over and over goes ………thats no accident , this is a ” niche ” community , prepping in general is the same in many ways , and how to do it also is the same in many ways . That being said , there are only so many things currently on the market to choose from , it’s a big deal when a manufacturer starts producing a new item . What IS different , is the way people do what we do , and the solutions they come up with to solve problems, or “jerry ” rig a piece of equipment to do what they need it to do ……..that is where the real gold is at .

  8. CM

    I think you are providing a service, especially to those just becoming aware of the changes we are looking forward to in the not so distant future.

    That being said, when my company became more work and hassle rather than the interesting and enjoyable, though not always, days that I looked forward to, I sold it.

    Like what what you do? If so, keep doing it. Take time off when you need to, and everyone does from time to time. If it starts to wear on you, then that would be the time to sell.

    I like your site.

    Good Luck and Thank You.

    1. T.R.

      That is probably the best way I have heard that being put . ” I think you are providing a service ” as doing this does indeed help a lot of people .

      1. Well, I like to think so. 🙂

  9. Methane Creator

    I can understand the reason some folks @copyright their blogs, and others use special web code to prevent you from copying and pasting the information for future reference. It doesn’t take me long to drop from belonging to these sites as they are only in it for the money and not the education of the masses as most of us hope happens. Maw with a Prep is one of those interesting sites that don’t allow you to download, print, share or copy any of their material without written permission. Most members in our Group no longer follow their rants and share with everyone on how they are in it for the money. Stay honest with your site, and we will continue to use your links and share your recommendations. Yes, we voted for you as a Top Prepper Website !

  10. Current Occupant

    I’d add just one thing to Dan’s list. How much do you make monthly in ad sales?

    On a legal note, can you sell your list of subscribers. The site is worthless without them.

  11. Hey, if you post ANYTHING original, don’t sell out! Your site is worth more than you could ever recoup! I get the same articles from prepper sites two and sometimes three and four times a day. Integrity and originality have no price tag!
    ALWAYS keep it real, give credit where credit is due, and if ya got it, FLAUNT IT!


  12. Dan

    If I say it’s worth 100K will I win a free prize? Realy your site worth is measured by 3 things. Site visitor totals (daily, unique and so on), stickiness (how long they stay and do they visit other pages when there, and your mailing list size (rejects to spam and open rate count).

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