Category: Bug Out / Wilderness
Tiniest Bug Out Cabin, And it Folds Flat!
This video caught my eye because, like many of you know, it sure would be nice to have a bug out shelter in the middle of nowhere. One of the problems, however, is getting all of the building supplies to where you need them without breaking your back or the bank. Oh, and without being…
DIY Urban Get Home Bag
I know many of us preppers focus on bug out bags, SHTF scenarios, and whatnot, but disasters of all kinds–even smaller, localized ones–happen, too. In fact, they’re far more likely than any major catastrophe. With that in mind, your ability to get home, to where most of your supplies are–not to mention your family, pets,…
Trailers for Bug Out – Useful or Not?
I seem to be asking a lot of questions this month, so I’ll ask one more: what do you think about purposefully creating a bug out trailer? One that’s only for this purpose, pre-stocked, and ready to roll? This would be like having a bug out bag ready to grab, only with a more stuff…
18 Essential Dog Commands (for the Wilderness and more)
A canine companion can be an excellent addition to your crew. However, it’s vital they have the necessary skills to aid in your survival efforts. Here are 18 commands to teach your dog, plus why they’re such a valuable addition to your homestead. The Utility of Dogs Your pup is capable of great things and…
SHTF Bug Out? You’re Kidding Yourself
I figured I’d stir the pot a bit today since it’s Friday and I’ve got most of my “honey do” list done for the week. Plus, I haven’t been freeze-drying anything either with the garden having wound down weeks ago (we also had a hail storm devastate the area) so here goes nothing… What got…
Escape and Evasion Tactics, Urban Survival Techniques
There are three videos below. The first is nearly an hour long, and the other two are about a half hour each. I know that’s a lot of time to invest in a single day, but I strongly encourage you to take the time (maybe bookmark this post) and watch them through at some point.…
Accessibility Considerations for Moving Off-Grid
Moving off-grid can be an exciting and liberating endeavor, offering individuals the opportunity to live a self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyle. However, for those experiencing limited mobility or who are concerned about potential mobility challenges in the future, building an accessible off-grid home requires careful planning and consideration. Luckily, there are various accessibility considerations you can…
9 Challenges of Off-Grid Van Living and Survival
The freedom to travel spontaneously without being tied down by your belongings is one of the biggest allures of living off-grid in a van. It’s an adventurous way of living that affords flexibility, brings you closer to nature, and teaches you the joys of simplicity. Besides, it’s much more affordable than living in a conventional…
Should You Stay Put or Bug Out During SHTF? 11 Scenarios Considered
Thankfully, SHTF scenarios don’t happen daily, but you must be prepared for if/when they do. One huge consideration during a SHTF scenario is whether to stay or leave your home. You may only have minutes or seconds to decide, and your decision will be significant. 6 Scenarios Where Bugging Out are Preferable Some circumstances almost…