How to Trick Your Family And Friends Into Becoming Preppers

This is a question nearly any prepper has once they’ve been prepping for long enough. After all, once you realize everyone you know is going to look to YOU when SHTF then it becomes imperative to get your family and friends to choose to prepare themselves! Personally, I’ve had a hard time with it over the years, likely only truly converting a few close friends/family.

Regardless of my success, he suggests using YouTube as a way to “break the ice” and redirect the focus from you telling them to get prepared to others doing so in a unassuming manner, specifically using his channel and videos but, honestly, you can and should choose YouTube videos that are best suited to your conversations no matter who made them.

Skip to about the 0:45 second mark to get to the heart of the video and realize there is some foul language throughout if you have little ears around…





My latest book, The Survival Blueprint: How to Prepare Your Family for Disaster, can be found here:


3 responses to “How to Trick Your Family And Friends Into Becoming Preppers”

  1. Sometimes I have SHTF Pot Lucks with friends and family. Not many people come but some do. I do get concerned about the supply chain thing though. It does get people thinking about prepping. I have a friend who’s been saving up food. My parents do it. The pot luck isn’t me trying to convince anyone of anything. It’s just a social event.

  2. TNTCrazyLady

    Howdy Tried to email you @ [email protected] and got a mail failure.

    On Oct 12, 2013 I download your 25 page article “99 Capacities You MUST
    Acquire BEFORE Disaster Strikes You!”. It is copyrighted 2012.

    I am creating a self-reliance/preparedness blog and would like to provide a link to this document or the online article, however I have been unable to find it on your site to date.

    Can you tell me where to find or can I upload it on my site and refer
    people to your site for additional information?

    Keep up the great work and Thanks in advance,

    TNTCrazyLady (aka Crazy Prepper Lady) [email protected]

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