• 7 DIY Survival Traps to Know

    7 DIY Survival Traps to Know

    Animal trapping includes the use of devices to capture animals for various purposes like food, fur trade, hunting, pest control, and wildlife management. But, most importantly, animal trapping is an essential part of survival in the wild. In a survival situation, one burns calories very quickly, and physically chasing your food is not always the…

  • Urban Bug Out Bag for 2020

    Urban Bug Out Bag for 2020

    What’s with my (and most other preppers) seemingly endless fascination with bug out bags? I’ve got my own ideas, made plenty of variations over the years, and still I always enjoy watching or reading about what other people have done. Maybe I like to see gear that I haven’t seen before. Or, perhaps it’s because…

  • Stock Up On These 7 Supplies Now, Before It’s Too Late

    It feels to me like the lull before the storm. And, while I can’t say what’s going to happen for sure, if we have another round of COVID-19 and/or quarantines as a result this coming winter then it would be a good idea to ensure you have the following essentials. Think of whatever it is…

  • DIY Fireproofing Material

    DIY Fireproofing Material

    I’d heard about similar DIY fireproof “inventions” elsewhere but I’ve never seen anyone try to make one before, especially something so easy. Made from nothing more than flour, baking soda, corn starch, powdered sugar, and water, it’s quite an interesting idea. Substituting borax for baking soda appears to have some additional benefits, including being mold…

  • The Best EDC Self-Defense Tool, Carry Anywhere

    I recently watched the following video about this WOWTAC BSS V4 Tactical Flashlight and I’m actually quite impressed with what they’ve come up with. Specifically, they’ve adjusted the design to avoid accidental turn on’s or having to cycle through modes, it has an aggressive bezel for striking that can be removed for TSA requirements, made…

  • Reality Check: Your SHTF Security Sucks

    Reality Check: Your SHTF Security Sucks

    When I posted this video last week on ditching your bug out–which I still think is generally a bad idea–I noticed that John Lovell made some good points about how easy it would be for people like him (he’s a former Army Ranger) to simply storm your property and take everything you’ve managed to stockpile.…

  • 21 Items Every Prepper Needs for Survival

    21 Items Every Prepper Needs for Survival

    Popular media portrays survival preppers as the crazy families hiding out in the woods. They’re hoarding supplies and waiting for the end of the world or the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. In reality, these families are creating caches of supplies so they’re ready for anything. And at the beginning of 2020, during the great…

  • How to Make Your Own Greenhouse

    How to Make Your Own Greenhouse

    If you’re planning on going off the grid or are working on creating a cache of survival supplies, being able to grow your own food is a necessity. In warm climates, that is easy — places like Texas and Florida have incredibly long growing seasons, so you can stagger your planting and harvest all year.…

  • 3 Reasons I Ditched My Bug Out Bag – Wait, What?

    3 Reasons I Ditched My Bug Out Bag – Wait, What?

    Well this video caught my eye. After all, he’s chosen NOT to have a bug out bag… is he crazy!? Perhaps not. At least, not when trying to survive an apocalyptic event or societal collapse, in which case I tend to agree with him. Personally, I’d be far more likely to stay put in such…