• Are Hard Times Really Coming?

    How often do you see posts for “living in hard times” or the “coming hard times” or something like that? I might see a new post like that once a week or so. But, are these folks right? Are hard times REALLY coming? After all, one might suggest that things are great for most of…

  • Trash Piles Up After Only Two Days In A Disaster!

    Trash Piles Up After Only Two Days In A Disaster!

    Bernie from ApartmentPrepper.com recently had an eye-opening experience where trash service didn’t pick up his apartment complex trash for two days because of a storm and, as a result, things started to turn ugly quickly… the garbage situation, that is. Sanitation is, in my opinion, one of the most overlooked areas of emergency preparedness and…

  • Why I Stopped Using Gamma Seal Lids And Food Storage Buckets

    Why I Stopped Using Gamma Seal Lids And Food Storage Buckets

    I’ve used these gamma seal lids and food grade buckets for years now without trouble. We’ve used them to store rice, beans, oats, and wheat. In fact, they’re rather easy to use and make accessing my food storage buckets convenient. But, alas, I’m not going to be using them any longer. Why? Well, remember when I…

  • Will You Chase That Last Grain Of Rice?

    Will You Chase That Last Grain Of Rice?

    The other day my kids heated up two cans of chicken with rice soup and because I was in a hurry that day instead of having them dish up their own rice I did it while they were still doing school. And, while I was dishing it up, I found myself chasing a few last…

  • 5 SHTF Strategies For Avoiding The Zombie Hordes

    5 SHTF Strategies For Avoiding The Zombie Hordes

    I really feel like we must be heading towards SHTF sooner rather than later. I’d suggest you merely look at all the charts which show we’re heading over a fiscal cliff in the near future and you’ll surely agree. When? I truly don’t know. It could be a decade from now or tomorrow. But it IS…

  • Will Time Matter When SHTF?

    Will Time Matter When SHTF?

    The other day I talked about another power outage we had and while I was sitting there mostly in the dark because my family didn’t want to run but one single, dim lantern in the pitch black darkness (don’t ask me why) I began to ponder time and whether it will mean anything when SHTF. Ultimately, I’d…

  • “Grab-n-Go” Power Outage Kit

    “Grab-n-Go” Power Outage Kit

    A funny thing happened while on the way to write this post: the power went out… again. Just yesterday the power went out due to high winds for several hours and it turned out that I got into quite a few basic survival items this time, including more than a dozen items listed below. You…

  • New Movie Depicts Survivalists As Crazy?

    New Movie Depicts Survivalists As Crazy?

    It was bound to happen. The movies are taking prepping mainstream, but not in a good way. First, however, let’s talk about how we got to now. For starters, there were several television shows, starting with The Colony which brought together a dozen or so people from different backgrounds to survive some make-believe survival scenario. I watched…

  • The Power Goes Out And You Would Think Hell Froze Over…

    Just yesterday we had another power outage. There’s just something about rain, winds, tall trees, and above-ground power lines that don’t mix. 😉 Granted, power outages are relatively common where we live and though it only lasted for a handful of hours, I swear my family freaks out every time. My kids, of course, have no access…