• So I Was Looking for a Copy of Moby Dick Online…

    So I Was Looking for a Copy of Moby Dick Online…

    A month or so ago I was looking for a copy of Moby Dick as I had never read it (I think it was mentioned in a movie I watched) and I thought to myself “hey, self, you should read that” and then I thought “hey… I should read other classics too!” I used to…

  • Are You Committing These Security Blunders?

    Are You Committing These Security Blunders?

    For most of us it’s easy to let your home and personal security lapse. After all, how often is your life or property ever really in danger due to other people’s actions? Unless you live or work in “bad neighborhoods” or just have bad luck I would guess it’s a relatively rare occurrence… I know…

  • What Did We Ever Do Without Plastic? …The Many Plastic Preps We Rely Upon

    What Did We Ever Do Without Plastic? …The Many Plastic Preps We Rely Upon

    I’m still amazed at how pervasive plastics are–in all of its forms–in our modern society. The most amazing part is that the plastics we’re accustomed to using really didn’t become mass produced until around WWII or so. In just a matter of a few generations, plastics have become so ingrained that you simply cannot get…

  • Reviews of Seychelle Water Filtration and Live Fire Fire Starter by DesertSurvivalist (videos)

    Sadly, I didn’t have time to write my own review this week, so DesertSurvivalist is going to fill in without even knowing it. 😉 He recently reviewed the Seychelle Water Filtration water bottle as well as the Live Fire fire starter (can only seem to be purchased at NorCalSurvival.com), both critical areas of outdoors preps.…

  • The Incredible, Edible Egg – Why Eggs MUST Be Part of Your Preps

    The Incredible, Edible Egg – Why Eggs MUST Be Part of Your Preps

    Even before I challenged myself to store eggs without refrigeration I’ve been a huge fan of eggs as a part of my preparedness plan. In fact, eggs are nothing short of INCREDIBLE and quite possibly the most important single food storage item you can include in your preps… seriously. Sure, we should store a wide…

  • Sun Oven Sunday – Pepperoni and Cheese Pizza

    Sun Oven Sunday – Pepperoni and Cheese Pizza

    I’ve been meaning to get back into using my sun oven and, fortunately or not, it took going camping to do it. In fact, I wasn’t planning on using my sun oven at all while we camped but I brought it anyway and since the sun was out we figured we would try to make…

  • I Don’t Need That, I Don’t Need That… I Don’t Need That Either…

    The other day I ALMOST had to make a trip to Wally World to get a new pair of clippers to shave the boys heads because the old one didn’t seem to want to work at first. Fortunately, we got it functioning–barely–but probably need to replace it in the near future. Regardless, in the interim…

  • SHTF One Gun Defense by Greg Rentchler, Editor-at-Large

    SHTF One Gun Defense by Greg Rentchler, Editor-at-Large

    I’ve been spending a lot of time at my BOL thinking about a one-gun solution for defending the family in time of SHTF. After much discussion with my survival family and colleagues, we collectively concluded that there is no such thing as a one-gun solution to address the plethora of variations of circumstances involved in…

  • Dutch Oven Cooking While Camping

    Dutch Oven Cooking While Camping

    Believe it or not, these past few days was the first time we managed to get away and do a bit of camping with the kids this year. Of course, we had a lot of fun, played plenty of games (my arm about fell off playing catch), and we got to break in a new Dutch…