• DIY Humidifier Air Cooler for the Coming Summer (Can Be Solar Powered)

    DIY Humidifier Air Cooler for the Coming Summer (Can Be Solar Powered)

    This guy has made so many DIY coolers and whatnot that I can’t keep track anymore, lol. That said, I do like that it’s highly portable and able to be easily run off solar power too…

  • You Know What’s Worse Than Smoke Alarms Going Off For No Reason In The Middle Of The Night?

    You Know What’s Worse Than Smoke Alarms Going Off For No Reason In The Middle Of The Night?

    Last night at about 1:45 am, which is technically today, our interconnected house smoke alarms went off for no reason. You know, the smoke alarms where if one goes off, they all go off. Yeah, those. I make this distinction because we also have a handful of independent, battery-powered smoke alarms throughout the house and…

  • 3000 Watt Parabolic Mirror Solar Array

    I’m not quite sure how the video creator came up with this being “3000 watts,” but if you watch the later half of the video you’ll see some of it in action. Of course, as with any large DIY solar mirror project, it can be dangerous to use! Please be cautious if you intend on…

  • 28 Powerful Home Security Solutions Book Now FREE on Amazon

    28 Powerful Home Security Solutions Book Now FREE on Amazon

    Did you know that roughly 10,000 home burglaries are committed each day here in America? That’s well over 3,000,000 per year! Fortunately, I can help you to avoid becoming a victim with my sixth book, 28 Powerful Home Security Solutions, which is now available into Thursday for FREE on Amazon in Kindle format. In return…

  • The Paiute Fire Starting Method With A Twist

    I’m pretty sure this is what I do most days to start a fire in my fireplace. I just love to use alternating layers of sticks whenever possible. Also, watch through the end, you’ll get a kick out of it, I promise…

  • 7 Most Powerful Handguns of All Time

    7 Most Powerful Handguns of All Time

    All I can say is, “Oh, my!” While the second half of this video gets ridiculous, I still had fun watching, enjoy… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTSb58GIEvQ

  • Boxes and Bungee Cords as Earthquake Proofing?

    Boxes and Bungee Cords as Earthquake Proofing?

    Lately, I’ve been thinking about earthquakes again, mostly because I’ve run into various YouTube videos and whatnot talking about the “Big One” to hit the west coast, but not the one you’re thinking of to hit California… the Cascadia Event to hit the Pacific Northwest where I live. To be honest, if that one ever…

  • 7 Prepper Lessons Learned in Afghanistan

    7 Prepper Lessons Learned in Afghanistan

    This was an interesting video I ran into earlier today on one man’s experience while working in Afghanishtan in 2003. You can skip to about the 2:35 mark to get to the heart of his talk, if you like, but I’d say the entire video is worth the time, especially if you want to know…

  • DIY Chimney Sweep – Gardus Sooteater Rotary Chimney Cleaning System Review

    DIY Chimney Sweep – Gardus Sooteater Rotary Chimney Cleaning System Review

    Recently, I’ve been wanting to clean my own fireplace flue rather than having to pay somebody to do it. And, yes, I know there’s something to be said for having a qualified chimney sweep inspect it once a year, which I still plan to do, but for peace of mind until then I figured it…