• AMP-3 Outfitters Medical Kit Clinic in a Roll

    AMP-3 Outfitters Medical Kit Clinic in a Roll

    This is a well thought out and organized rolled-up medical kit that makes everything you would need in an emergency easily accessible. You can grab one here and get a 15% discount with the code “Sootch15”. Now, watch the video review…

  • How to: DIY False Bottom Drawer

    How to: DIY False Bottom Drawer

    Though a bit more complicated than I would have gone for myself, it’s still a very good tutorial on how to add a false bottom to a typical dresser drawer and would be the perfect companion to my 75 Secret Hiding Places book if you’ve yet to grab a copy…

  • $10 DIY Food Dehydrator

    $10 DIY Food Dehydrator

    For about $10 to buy a DC cooling fan and a heat lamp bulb (along with a few scavenged items) you too can have your own DIY food dehydrator and make your own beef jerky at home! And to think I spent hundreds of dollars on an Excalibur dehydrator which I absolutely love using, by…

  • The Grid-Down MultiMachine 10-in-1 All-Purpose Machine Tool

    The Grid-Down MultiMachine 10-in-1 All-Purpose Machine Tool

    Have you ever heard of the MultiMachine before? I hadn’t until I read this article earlier this morning. Apparently, it’s a DIY open source project intended for developing countries “…that can be built by a semi-skilled mechanic with just common hand tools… electricity can be replaced with ‘elbow grease’ and the necessary material can come…

  • 47 Easy DIY Survival Projects $0.99 Countdown Deal About to Expire

    47 Easy DIY Survival Projects $0.99 Countdown Deal About to Expire

    If you haven’t yet had a chance to grab my latest book, 47 Easy DIY Survival Projects, then now is the time to do so because I’m currently running a $0.99 Kindle countdown deal, but it’s about to expire within the next 40 hours as of this writing… which means you need to act NOW…

  • 30+ Piece Vehicle First Aid Kit

    30+ Piece Vehicle First Aid Kit

    I’m a big fan of including a relatively large first aid kit in your car for preparedness reasons and, though my kit is a bit different than what’s shown in the video, what they include is a good place to start. Personally, I like to include some serious trauma dressings as well, such as the…

  • Top 8 Portable Stoves for Survival

    Top 8 Portable Stoves for Survival

    The following is quite an in-depth article detailing the eight best portable stoves on the market in 2018 and includes specifics on the different types of stoves available, why you should have one or two (or maybe all eight, lol), as well as key features you should look for in a portable stove. The list…

  • What you May NOT know About Preserving Eggs

    What you May NOT know About Preserving Eggs

    I did this experiment myself years ago now and, surprisingly, it worked out rather well, even after four months of only being preserved with mineral oil. In the video she says the coated eggs can last up to nine months, I’ve seen others say a year, and my experiment lasted 18 weeks because that’s how…

  • 25 Uses for The WaterBrick, Besides Storing Water

    25 Uses for The WaterBrick, Besides Storing Water

    The WaterBrick is a very good way to store water for emergency preparedness, especially for those with limited storage space. And, while I don’t use them personally (I prefer to use 55-gallon drums and other transportable containers) small water storage solutions like the WaterBrick do have their place. The only major problem is that they’re…