9.0 Cascadia Earthquake Survival

Earthquake Survival Book

Most people in the Pacific Northwest have no idea how dangerous it is to live there. But it’s not the volcanoes or even the politics that you need to worry about—it’s the Cascadia subduction zone which lurks along the Pacific coastline that should terrify you. When it slips, the entire area may as well be declared a war zone. Not only will there be no power, water, or food, there will be widespread fires and worse…and there won’t be any help to come for weeks or longer.

The last major Cascadia event happened in January 1700, which means we’re due for another. It caused massive earthquakes and widespread tsunamis. Back then, millions of trees that were leveled; today it will be millions of homes and thousands of lives. You can’t ignore this one, and you can’t prepare after it hits.

What this unique book does is show those who live in Washington, Oregon, northern California, and British Columbia how to prepare for the worst ever disaster to strike America. The crucial advice found within could mean the difference between life and death should the worst happen. The reason I recommend preparing for a Cascadia event now is because it is the single most effective way to survive when there’s a slim chance of evacuation and, worse, nothing useful to be purchased seconds after it strikes.

The benefits of preparing for a Cascadia event now include:

  • Increased security when others are desperate
  • Reduced stress during a chaotic time
  • Doesn’t take much time or money, and
  • Peace of mind for you and your family

You’ll sleep well at night knowing that you and your family will be safe and fully equipped for whatever may happen.

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