Category: Food / Water

  • Can Your Pool or Hot Tub Really be Used as a Source of Water?

    Can Your Pool or Hot Tub Really be Used as a Source of Water?

    While I don’t have a pool a few neighbors do. I’m sure a few have hot tubs too… rough life, I know. In fact, as I write this I’m sitting pool-side watching my kids swim at a neighbor’s pool because they’re more than nice enough to allow us that privilege on such hot summer days.…

  • Sun Oven Sunday – Cherry Cobbler

    Sun Oven Sunday – Cherry Cobbler

    Last week my wife made cherry cobbler on a whim which was delicious so I figured I would try it and see what happens in the sun oven. Fortunately, this recipe is super simple and, yes, I know it’s supposed to brown and won’t do so in a sun oven but I was still curious…

  • Sun Oven Sunday – German Pancakes Fail!

    Sun Oven Sunday – German Pancakes Fail!

    I decided to make what we call “German Pancakes”–I’m not sure what they’re actually called–on a whim last night for dinner but wound up with an utter failure. The recipe is super simple, combine 6 eggs, 1 cup milk, 1 cup flour and mix until it looks a bit like batter: Then bake at about…

  • Sun Oven Sunday – Baked Tilapia

    Sun Oven Sunday – Baked Tilapia

    Since we were having fish the other night I figured I should try it in the sun oven just ’cause I can. 🙂 The idea is super simple since it’s already frozen… just douse with Italian dressing and cook at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes. I let the sun oven pre-heat a bit (it…

  • CONTEST POST: Fasting for SHTF Preparedness by A.K.

    CONTEST POST: Fasting for SHTF Preparedness by A.K.

    [Editors note: Please don’t consider this to be medical advice whatsoever. Always consult a qualified medical practitioner before attempting any fast.] Have you ever considered fasting as a means of preparing for SHTF? I didn’t until I did my first fast a few years back. It was more for health reasons although some people do…

  • The Incredible, Edible Egg – Why Eggs MUST Be Part of Your Preps

    The Incredible, Edible Egg – Why Eggs MUST Be Part of Your Preps

    Even before I challenged myself to store eggs without refrigeration I’ve been a huge fan of eggs as a part of my preparedness plan. In fact, eggs are nothing short of INCREDIBLE and quite possibly the most important single food storage item you can include in your preps… seriously. Sure, we should store a wide…

  • Sun Oven Sunday – Pepperoni and Cheese Pizza

    Sun Oven Sunday – Pepperoni and Cheese Pizza

    I’ve been meaning to get back into using my sun oven and, fortunately or not, it took going camping to do it. In fact, I wasn’t planning on using my sun oven at all while we camped but I brought it anyway and since the sun was out we figured we would try to make…

  • Dutch Oven Cooking While Camping

    Dutch Oven Cooking While Camping

    Believe it or not, these past few days was the first time we managed to get away and do a bit of camping with the kids this year. Of course, we had a lot of fun, played plenty of games (my arm about fell off playing catch), and we got to break in a new Dutch…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 18 Results (the FINAL week!)

    Here we are on the final week of this experiment and, to be honest, I’m glad it’s coming to an end. Here’s the egg (it didn’t float or smell weird): And here it is cooking (the yolk/membrane broke down without me doing anything): As with last week, I choose to eat it as an egg…