Category: Food / Water

  • There’s More to Proper Food Storage Than You Think

    Last week I got into a short, yet friendly, comments discussion with HealthyPrepper (one of my recent favorite YouTube channels by the way) on one of her videos regarding the storage of crackers for the long term. Suffice it to say, that I suggested there’s more to consider when storing crackers (she was storing regular…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 2 Results

    My second week of egg storage with mineral oil is here already. Can’t say I’ll keep up with the posting of pictures but here’s where it stands: This is the mineral oil egg, no floating (which is good) and no off smell: And here’s the control egg, also no floating and no off smell: Last,…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 1 Results

    Last Monday I posted about my interest in storing eggs with mineral oil for long term storage. FYI, I have one carton of eggs stored with mineral oil and one carton as a control group (no mineral oil) both of which are setting out on my countertop. Well, week one is over (I actually started this experiment a…

  • My Egg Storage With Mineral Oil Saga Starts This Week!

    I finally found a bottle of mineral oil at my local Walmart. I had been looking for the better part of month at Walmart and Target without any luck. I was beginning to wonder if everyone else had the same idea in mind, though, that’s probably not the case. 😉 Anyway, if you’re unaware, the idea…