Category: Food / Water

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 15 Results

    This egg kind of reminds me to an egg from a few weeks ago. As per usual, the egg didn’t float and didn’t smell funny either: Upon cracking, the egg yolk (membrane) broke apart: And here it is cooking (it seemed to fall apart rather easily when flipping as I wasn’t trying to scramble it):…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 14 Results

    Results were eerily similar to last week… Here’s the mineral oil egg (it didn’t float or smell funny): And here it is cooking: Even though the yolk looked fairly well together I noticed it breaks down really easily (like last week): Again, I ate a few bites (it was late and I’m beginning to wonder…

  • Why Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Are Important to Long Term Food Storage

      Many people, me included, recommend vitamin supplements in your long term preps. Then, as I often do, I got to wondering how important they really were and if they’re possibly not needed at all. So, I figured the easiest way to decide this is to compare the numbers. Therefore, I looked for an easy to…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 13 Results

    We’re down to only six more eggs to go. Here’s the most recent week’s egg… As usual, the egg didn’t float and didn’t smell funny either: And here it is cooking (with the yolk still in tact): I’m not sure if you can tell from the following picture but I should note that this particular…

  • Have You Seen This L’EQUIP Nutrimill Grain Mill?

    I came across this post on a Grain Grinder (includes a video) from and thought that’s a really neat way to grind wheat directly into a five gallon bucket. The post is about the L’EQUIP Nutrimill Grain Mill. Of course, it needs electricity to operate and may not always be the best way to grind…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 12 Results

    Here we are three months in and I’m still surprised these eggs are holding up. Anyway, here’s the most recent mineral oil egg (didn’t float or smell funny): And here it is being cooked up (didn’t smell after being cracked, though the membrane did seem to break down on this one): I ate the egg alone…

  • Egg Storage Experiment – Week 11 Results

    Things are looking up again this week, at least with respect to eggs that is. Here we are in week 11 and the egg I used today looked real good. As usual, the egg didn’t float: After cracking the egg I tried smelling it and didn’t notice anything funny and immediately snapped this pic: As…

  • Egg Storage – Week 10 Results

    Another week past, who would have guessed these eggs made it 10 weeks thus far! I think we’ve had a small change but maybe not a big deal. For starters, the mineral oil egg didn’t float (like normal) and didn’t smell funny either: I then cracked the egg and began cooking it. As you can…

  • Introduction to Small Game Hunting and Trapping by Editor-at-Large, Jerry Ward

    We’ve all heard the “rule”- the human body can survive for roughly thirty days without food.  Our individual metabolism and body fat percentages can cause a shift of a few days in either direction, but at some point a caloric deficit will lead to the shutting down of organ systems and death.  Given that fact,…