Category: DIY Projects

  • Rainwater Harvesting: Why You Should Do It And How! (Guest Post)

    Rainwater Harvesting: Why You Should Do It And How! (Guest Post)

    Storing water almost always ends up at the top of a prepper’s checklist of essentials during SHTF situations, and understandably so as it is the most important aspect of a person’s survival. Having water in your body could spell the difference between life and death. Always remember that a person can last only three days,…

  • Best 5 Minute Soda Can Alcohol Stove!

    Best 5 Minute Soda Can Alcohol Stove!

    No doubt there are quite a few designs for mini soda can alcohol stoves… it’s like people have a fascination with them or something. I guess I do too. 😉 Most soda can builds, it seems to me, require two soda cans and a bit more cutting than I’d prefer. This design, however, is quick…

  • Medieval Meat Pies as Survival Food!

    Medieval Meat Pies as Survival Food!

    Sing a song of six-pence, a pocket full of rye Four and twenty blackbirds, baked in a pie When the pie was opened, the birds began to sing. Now wasn’t that a tasty dish to set before the king! This article is about meat pies, most of us know them as the frozen “Pot Pie”.…

  • Homemade Breadsticks: Better Than Olive Garden Breadsticks!

    Homemade Breadsticks: Better Than Olive Garden Breadsticks!

    Last week I showed how we make 6-ingredient DIY whole wheat bread. Not only did we make more of that delicious bread that you really should try if you haven’t done so yet, we wound up making some super delicious homemade breadsticks too. These happen to be my father-in-laws “super secret” recipe… or something like…

  • 6 Ingredient DIY Whole Wheat Bread

    6 Ingredient DIY Whole Wheat Bread

    I usually enjoy making homemade bread, at least, when things work out properly. When they don’t–mostly because the bread didn’t rise as expected–I tend to despise the process just a little. Yes, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with making bread. In my opinion, homemade bread making is part science and part art……

  • How to Make Homemade Almond Milk

    How to Make Homemade Almond Milk

    We tend to make a new batch of almond milk almost weekly. If you’ve never made almond milk you may be surprised that it’s a fairly easy thing to do and, according to my wife (and niece) it’s healthier for you too. 🙂 Though we tend to use our homemade almond milk almost exclusively in fruit…

  • How to Make Oral Rehydration Solution: This Knowledge Could Save a Life!

    How to Make Oral Rehydration Solution: This Knowledge Could Save a Life!

    Knowing how to make an oral rehydration solution could be one of the most important pieces of knowledge you can possess. Ok, maybe it’s not THAT important but knowing how to make it really could save a life one day. Perhaps yours or a loved one. Fortunately, it’s incredibly easy to make but let’s consider WHY it’s important…

  • How to Make Homemade Cream of Broccoli Soup Using “Magic Mix” Starter

    How to Make Homemade Cream of Broccoli Soup Using “Magic Mix” Starter

    We decided to make some Broccoli Rice Casserole–my kids’ favorite–which required two cans of cream of broccoli soup. Rather than buying the store-bought cans of “yucky” cream of broccoli, we choose to make our own homemade cream of broccoli soup using the Magic Mix as a starter I showed you how to make a few…

  • How to Make Gluten-Free, Amost Sugar-Free Walnut Cookies… Kids Even Enjoyed Them!

    How to Make Gluten-Free, Amost Sugar-Free Walnut Cookies… Kids Even Enjoyed Them!

    I figured I would show you how we quickly made some very delicious gluten-free, almost sugar-free walnut (and optionally raisin) cookies over the weekend. They were such a hit that even the kids enjoyed them! Ingredients: 1 c. maple syrup (the original recipe called for 1 c. sugar but we wanted to avoid that) 2…